Hi My Friends,
To start you will need one or more of these

Hollow carve-able type Styrofoam pumpkins from Dollar Tree.

Hollow carve-able type Styrofoam pumpkins from Dollar Tree.
For me, these pumpkins are ready for a second time around!
They were painted before, but they still looked too much like plain Styrofoam.
So it's time for a do- over!
I still have SO much pink velvet left over...I'm going to use that!
Remember October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Remove the stem. With a dull knife, poke the hole till it's the size of a nickel.
Cut your fabric to about a 20'' circle.
Put your Styrofoam Pumpkin in center of circle.
Use the knife to tuck fabric into opening.
Use the knife to tuck fabric into opening.
No GLUE needed.
These pumpkins are nice and firm.
Use a glue gun to attach stem.
I like to use real ones.
Wasn't that easy?
Tell me the truth....You may have a Bridesmaid dress in your closet!
Or maybe you can check with your Mom.
I love sharing with you - Please leave a comment and say hello!
xo Lisa S