Hi Friends!
I found another clock- well actually the clock was missing already.
Someone had saved me the work of removing it!
Because the clock was missing, the case was marked $1.99!
I know some of you would probably paint this piece,
but I love wood and if at all possible I like to keep it that way.
I can always come back later and paint it.
I cleaned it up and used my favorite BRIWAX stain to cover any scratches.

We removed the front door.
My idea was to cut the clock opening,
which was a circle into a larger square.

I left the box alone for a hour and
Mr. FreshVintage decided to cut it for me.
He's very helpful that way:)
So no before photo! Sorry-
Well it worked!
I used a piece of glass from a picture frame.
Glued it in place with hot glue.
Then came back with metal framing tabs to hold in the glass.
I covered the inside with thick sheet music.
Then lined the bottom of the drawer.
It made a sweet little shadow box.
I thought of so many ways to use it!
A girl can never have to many places to store treasures, right?
It fit some tiny books.
I decided to make some yarn hearts for Valentines Day!
They are easy to make.
I used some vintage clip earrings.
How to make Yarn Covered Hearts-
You will need a heart shape cut from thick cardboard.
Some Yarn- I had a thrifted half-skein of Ivory.
I didn't measure but had plenty of yarn.
Just start wrapping :)
Wrap back and forth, all directions.
You can't make a mistake.
Keep wrapping-
The heart begins to puff into shape.
When the cardboard is covered you are done!
Just tie off your end and tuck it under.
I used white satin ribbon to tie a bow.
I clipped a vintage earring over the center of the bow and
stamped the word 'LOVE' on the tie.
Thanks for the visit.
I loved having you here!
You are welcome anytime.
xo Lisa S