Friday, January 1, 2021

Top 10 Most Viewed for 2020

 Hello my friends!

Welcome !

At the beginning of a new year, I like to look back

over my calendar and journal entries.

It's always fun to be reminded of what was going on the last 365 days.

Oh how I miss my job!

 I miss my workouts!

 I miss training clients that I consider my friends.

I have been able to meet with a couple but it's not the same.

Looking forward things will be different.

Plenty of time at

My house is clean and organized but-

I see that I watched way too many movies. 

I have loved being able to share with my bloggy friends!

Thank you for all your sweet comments!!!!

I thought it would be fun to share my 10 most viewed posts for 2020-

Starting at  

#10  Jello Mold Pincushion

#9  Thrifted Clipboard

#8  Springform Pan Planter

#6   Making your own scrapbook paper from linens

 #5  Windchimes made with silverware

#4  Shiny Brite Valentine Wreath

#3  Christmas Gift Bag Artwork


#2 Retro Christmas Wood Blocks

and with the most views-

#1   Faux Boxwood Wreath

This list really surprised me!

Do you remember any of these?

I'd be happy to hear if you had a favorite,

on or off this list.

Let me know in the comments.

This year flew by (thank goodness)-

Let's hang out together in 2021  :)

xo Lisa S


  1. Great jobs!It is difficult to choose one, they are all gorgeous!Maybe...The stunning wreath!I have tried the sweet potatoe vine project,it is still alive in my vase garden!Wonderful vintage card too. Happy 2021!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad your sweet potato is still growing. That's great.
      I put mine in the ground, I can't wait to dig some up to eat!
      I hope you have an amazing 2021! By the way- Thank you for translating for me :) You are always so kind.
      xo Lisa S

  2. Happy New Year! I loved all the projects but I hadn't seen the Shiny Brite Valentine wreath yet, Love it!!


    1. Tania,
      Happy New Year! Thank you for your sweet comment. The wreath was made for Valentine's Day but the customer loves pink and hangs it up year round. She recently bought another pink and silver heart wreath as a Christmas gift for her BFF :)
      xo Lisa S

  3. Hi Lisa
    I remember specifically the scrapbook pages from linens. I also made a few. Thx for that idea.

    1. Your welcome. I've made a few more since then. You have to touch them to realize they are paper not cloth ;) so fun!
      Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!
      xo Lisa S

  4. I remember all of these and featured several too! ;) Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. You sure did, and it is greatly appreciated ! You are a blessing my friend. I can never thank you enough.
      xo Lisa S

  5. You had so many amazing posts Lisa! I loved them all but I think my favorite was the retro Christmas blocks. Happy New Year to you and I wish you continued success in 2021.

    1. Thank you Denise! I'm so glad you stopped by to say hello.
      I really enjoyed making the blocks. Looking forward to the new year. Here in California we are still locked down! It has been hard to creative :)
      All the best to you,
      xo Lisa S

  6. Your projects are so beautiful and creative. We will feature your top 10 in the next Blogger's Pit Stop.

    1. Kathleen,
      oh thank you! I thought it would be fun to share. I'm so honored to be part of your feature. You are such a blessing.
      xo Lisa S

  7. I love how you've shared your top ten most viewed for 2020. What a great idea! It's great to see how other bloggers celebrate a new year. ~Adrienne from Gluten Free Preppers and a member of the Blogger's Pit Stop Crew

    1. AdrienneZM,
      Thank you so much! It is always a fun surprise to see the posts that are most visited throughout the year.
      Thank you for your visit! I'm so glad you did.
      xo Lisa S

  8. Thanks for sharing these. Several of them I pinned when you shared them with us and love them. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Donna,
      Thank you so much, I appreciate the pins. It's always fun to join your party :)
      xo Lisa S


Covered Matchbox Gift

Hello ! Just for fun, I covered some small matchboxes. I picked up a set at the Dollar Tree. I used a small paper fastener to make a drawer ...