Sunday, May 3, 2020

Jello Mold Pincushion

Hi Friends!

I'm in the mood for quick and easy craft today.

How about you?

This piece of vintage fabric was  given to me-

It was an old sheet to be used as a drop cloth when painting-

Oh no too nice for that!

Thanks Mom!

I had a bunch of Jello Molds just waiting to go to

the Flea Market......and that will not be for a long time now.

So let's make something-

You will also need some embroidery thread,

 a heavy duty needle,

2 buttons

 and a small bit of poly-stuffing

I used a 4'' circle cut from thin cardboard for my pattern.

A bowl or plate works well.

Cut 2 circles, pin right sides together.

I mark my cloth with pencil and cut the fabric 1/4 outside my line.

This way I can follow the pencil line and have a perfectly round circle

each time.

Stitch on the pencil line and leave a small opening.

Cut notches on the curves.

Turn right sides out.

Stuff, stuff and then stuff more!

You will want your pincushion firm and then stitch closed.

Cut a piece of embroidery floss approximately 42'' long and thread a heavy duty needle.

Tie a good strong knot, come through the center of one side to the other.

Back to where you came up in front, pull tight.

Now straight across the other side and  under to the front.

Continue side to center and back to center.

Looks like segments of an orange-

Your stitching is complete.

 Tie a knot to keep your stitches tight but do not cut your thread yet-

Now we can add

 the buttons

Add a button and stitch through to the other side.

Add your second button.

Tie a good strong knot and cut your leftover floss.

Your finished pincushion!

Here's a side view!

These cushions are just as cute without the tin.

Pick which side you want to be seen-

Lay flat and give it a good pinch

and put inside the Jello Mold,

Just until the stitch line is hidden.

Since they are just pinched and put in place- they can be flipped over

to the other side or removed from the tin.

That was fun!

Let me know in the comments if you make these

chubby flower petal pincushions.

xo Lisa S


  1. I love these cute pincushions. I must make one.

    1. Thelma
      Thank you, friend! I hope you make a couple. Their size and shape remind me of donuts :)
      xo Lisa S

  2. These are so cute and fabulous fabric!

    1. Christine
      Thank you- I also made a face mask :) ha ha
      xo Lisa S

  3. Cutest things I've seen in awhile! I have everything to get started copying! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Your comment made my day! Please copy and come back often:)
      xo Lisa S

  4. This is so clever! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's.

    1. Ann
      Thank you so much.
      I appreciate the visit! Thanks for hosting.
      xo Lisa S

  5. These are adorable. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you!
      It's always nice to have you stop by :)
      xo Lisa S

  7. Just adorable, Lisa!!! Thank you for sharing at last week's Share Your Style ~ happy to feature at this week's SYS #256. Thank you!!! I have an old barkcloth tablecloth that would be a great candidate for this!!! <3

    Barb :)

    1. Thanks Barb!
      I appreciate it so much. Oh that's so good I hope you make one!
      xo Lisa S

  8. These are just darling. A good pincushion is such a handy thing to have, and if it can be cute as well? That's a win!

    Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I'm featuring you this week!

    1. Richella
      Thank you so much for your sweet comment!
      I am so honored to be part of the feature.
      xo Lisa S

  9. Oh Lisa, these are just adorable! I'd love to make one with a few smaller molds I have, not sure what they are molds of but I think they'd work!

    I've featured this project in this weekend's DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 527. Thanks for linking this up!

    1. Donna
      Thank you so much! You are so good yo me :)
      Yes, a smaller version would. It will probably hang over the side a bit or just make a smaller circle pattern.
      xo Lisa S

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Julie!
      That means a lot to me cuz everything you make is adorable!
      Thank you for hosting.
      xo Lisa S

  11. I'm featuring these cute lil' pin cushions on the Little Cottage Link Party tomorrow. How could I resist?

    1. Kristie
      Thank you! I appreciate you so much :)
      I hope you have a wonderful week.
      xo Lisa S

  12. These are adorable! I had some Jello molds just like these, but gave them to a friend who loves vintage kitchen goodies. I am running out of space! Thank you for sharing on Farm Fresh Tuesdays!

    1. Lisa,
      Thank you! My kitchen collections have grown too big- They have always been an item I can'y say no to :)
      If we ever get out of our homes the pincushions will be brought to the flea market.
      xo Lisa S


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