Monday, May 11, 2020

Spending time in my Garden - Stenciling!

Hi Friends!

Welcome to my house!

We have been on lock-down for 10 weeks and still no end in sight

I've been spending a lot of time in the garden!

While we take a little tour of the garden, I will throw in some items

that I stenciled this past week.

In the backyard my pomegranate bush is blooming.

The mexican sage grows well here.

This dustpan holds just enough soil to keep succulents happy!

I added a tiny bow and flower.

An old picnic basket is a great place to store garden tools!

I added a stencil of a vintage label to the lid.

Yes, it's a rusty saw.

Of course it needed to be stenciled!

My husband made a bunch of these boxes a couple years ago.

I found the last one and stenciled it.

This watering can needed a monogram!

This chicken water/ feeder is different than my other one.

I used just an old cover and attached it to a pan to look-like a feeder!

Oh good! Something else to stencil

Saved from the trash, with all it's rusty goodness!

I decided to stencil inside the lid and front below the lock.

I wiped the tool box, removing any loose dirt.

Taped down the stencil.

I went with black paint.

I used a coco liner and 4 plastic pots.

The plants came from my garden.

A matching seed box.

My stash of seeds!

Here is my Vegetable Garden-

I have string beans on the right and blackberries all along the back fence.

Squash and radishes in front.

There's some tomatoes hiding in the bush.

There are peas growing on this vertical  fence scrap.

My husband made the heart out of barbed wire.

We are growing Calabacita Mexican squash this year instead of zucchini.

They grow smaller, and need less space.

They are delicious, tender with a smooth buttery taste.

We are in Zone 10-

And a couple more pictures of the backyard.

This is part of my herb garden.

Forget-me-nots, lambs' ear and nasturtiums

We have grapes growing on this arbor made from pallet wood.

My chickens love to eat lemon balm :)

Thanks for taking that little tour with me!

It was my Mom's idea and

I want to thank my Mom for sharing her photos.

She takes great pictures and always makes

everything look so nice.

I hope you are able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.

xo Lisa S


  1. love it looks great ... the stenciling adds a bit of whimsy to the all ready special garden
    come see us at

    1. Thank you so much.
      I think stenciling is so fun- I think I may over do it!
      xo Lisa S

  2. I love your up cycling ideas for the garden!

    You're most welcome to join me in a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer,

    1. Jennifer
      Thank you for the visit.
      I will stop by-
      xo Lisa S

  3. Kristin,
    Oh my I love your gardens. I am working on mine and it is coming, but still in early stages except for tomatoes and zucchini. I checked out those zucchini and might order some.
    Thanks for the tip.

    1. Bev
      Thank you so much. I can't wait to see your garden. This will be your first summer in your new home, right?
      xo Lisa S

  4. I love all of these stencils and you have a lovely garden. The Singer sewing machine stand brought back some memories of my mother sewing away on one of those - lovely!

    1. Thank you so much. It's nice to meet you!
      I had a bench with no legs and a sewing machine without a top and put them together. Please visit again!
      xo Lisa S

  5. What a pretty garden to spending time in. Love all of the stenciling: makes it all unique.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment. I appreciate it so much.
      Stop by anytime, xo Lisa S

  6. I enjoyed seeing all your flowers, gardens and stenciled projects!

    1. Thank you Allyson!
      In a way it's like having company over during lock down.
      I hope you have a great week!
      xo Lisa S

  7. Such beautiful flowers my friend🙌🏻 I’d luv to invite you to join and share with us over at Charming Homes and Gardens Wednesday - Sundays Link Party🙋🏼‍♀️

    1. Ann
      Thank you so much for the invitation. I'm excited to join the fun.
      xo Lisa S

  8. Beautiful photos! I love all the stenciling projects! The garden looks so peaceful and lush!

    1. Elena
      What a lovely comment! Thank you so much.
      It's nice to meet you, please visit again.
      xo Lisa S

  9. What clever touches you've added. I particularly love the dustpan.

    1. Thank you Ellen!
      The dustpan was my favorite too, the succulents are growing well-
      I will be on the look out for another.
      So nice to have you visit.
      xo Lisa S

  10. This is a really lovely post - beautiful garden and so many ideas for stenciling that I just wouldn't have thought of, wonderful!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment.
      Please visit again, xo Lisa S

  11. Stencils are pretty fun! Happy to feature this post at next week's Share Your Style for you. <3 While I am thinking about it... Where are you? What state?? Are you in So Cal? I usually think of myself as from Murrieta, Riverside County since we just moved from there four years ago to No. Denton Cty, Texas. We were zone 10 and now I have a baby bougainvillia and I'm thinking THEY GROW HUGE and how will I protect it from 10 degrees if next winter is cold?? Guess they grow them up here as annuals but I hate for it to die... :( Miss my bougainvillia... It was lovely and 12 years old when we left our last home.

    Have a great weekend, Lisa! Stay cool!! My inlaws said it was getting hot up in Sacramento already.

    Barb :)

    1. Barb,
      oh wow ! thank you so much. Yes, we are in So Cal. It's hard to move into another zone and re-learn everything you know that works. I have never experienced snow. We don't even have much of a frost. I am spoiled....but we will have a hot dry summer.
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
      xo Lisa S
      I added your party link to my blog hop page- check it out :)

  12. Enjoyed the tour! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 12, open May 1 to 26. All party entries shared if social media buttons installed.

    1. Dee
      Thank you for the visit. It's ALWAYS great to hear from you.
      xo Lisa S

  13. Lovely garden and creative stencils on the DIY garden containers. Visiting you at #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 12 and will pin this post. You might enjoy seeing my post as well. It's Ikebana Flowers at Yume Japanese Gardens at Colors 4 Health. Stay safe be well.

    1. Nancy
      It's so nice to meet you. Thank you for the visit.
      I would love to see your garden- I will stop by.
      xo Lisa S

  14. Gorgeous projects! I really need to start personalizing and upgrading my outdoor spaces also. It's very bland right now. I am glad, however, that you stopped before you stenciled the chickens. LOL Thank you so much for sharing at the Read & Relax Link Party!

    1. Amy
      Thank you so much. My son couldn't believe I got a picture of the chickens. They see the camera and turn away. They do have a coup sweet coop sign :)
      So happy to have you visit!
      xo Lisa S

  15. Lisa, your garden is lovely and you have been busy stenciling! I shared your IG link to your darling dish pan project with my daughter who has a succulent shop. ;) Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Cecilia
      Thank you so much and thanks for sharing with your daughter!
      xo Lisa S

  16. I love your garden. I miss my garden. I'm in a condo, I know you feel my pain. Great blog post. I feel like stenciling everything now.

    1. Michelle
      I do fill your pain, especially with the stay at home order!
      Thank you so much for visiting.
      Take care,
      xo Lisa S

  17. So many great ideas, my head is spinning. Which one to do first. 👏

  18. I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in the garden as well. It’s just gotten warm and sunny enough for me to be out there.

    1. It is wonderful for our mental health!
      Take care and thanks for visiting.
      xo Lisa S

  19. I was just working in my garden today and this post gave me a few ideas for fun things to add to it; thank you!

    1. Thanks Mother Of 3,
      We are blessed to get to go outside. I need to touch dirt :)
      xo Lisa S

    2. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.

  20. You have such a lovely garden! And I really enjoyed seeing all of your stenciling. Thank you for sharing with Charming Homes and Gardens Link Party!

    1. Kim
      Thank you for visiting.
      I am happy to share with you. I appreciate you hosting!
      xo Lisa S

  21. The garden is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it and your stencils with us. #HomeMattersParty

  22. You certainly have a gorgeous yard, and sure had fun stenciling all your vintage goodies! Totally loving this post, and I'm going to follow now! Thanks, Sandi

    1. Sandi
      Thank you so much! Welcome, it's great to meet you-
      So happy to have you here, you made my day. Thanks for following!
      xo Lisa S


A Happy Accident / Placemat Stencil or Stamp

 Hello friends! I was drawn to this flexible plastic placemat at the Dollar Tree- It was sort of ugly but I thought maybe I could do somethi...