Friday, November 27, 2020

Wood Scrap Houses


Hi Friends,

I'm back in the garage this week.

I found more wood scraps that I need to deal with-

These scraps already LOOK like houses-

These pieces were already cut to size and what looks to be a perfect roof line!

Just a little sanding!

I did not need to do any cutting-

I just got out the chalk paint and starting painting.

I left the roof natural wood.

I used a black sharpie to make windows-

Yes, I wanted the houses to be primitive and chippy !

I found these bracket things on my husbands workbench-

I'm not sure what they are called but I thought it make a nice roof.

They were just hot glued in place, starting at base line and

overlapping upward to the peak.

I also found these old railroad nails.

They will make good chimneys and vents.

The wreath over the door was a scrap of old pipe cleaner.

The houses were done, so I looked around for some trees.

I moved them around -

looking for a good spot to take a picture-

Not sure where they will end up-

These are probably too heavy for ornaments, if I find smaller scraps

I would love to make some houses as gift tags.

Well, if you stayed until the end- WOW -and thank you!

Take care of yourself-

I am blessed and grateful to have you stop by-

xo Lisa S

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Vintage Turkey Postcards

Hi my Friends!

Here are some postcards from my own collection.

My gift to you :)

You can enjoy these for your holiday table.

You may print from here or pin for later.

If you have been here before, you know I love the artwork of Ellen H. Clapsaddle.

I have others to share if you look over in my labels on the sidebar.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving !

XO Lisa S

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Christmas Gift Bag Wall Art

Hi Friends,

I'm so glad you are here today!  

I have another easy project to share with you.

You will need a gift bag, a wood box frame and Mod Podge.

Glitter is optional.

 Most bags will have artwork on both sides.

I prefer the bags that are not shiny. The matte paper works well with Mod Podge.

You will also need a wood box type frame to recycle.

I found this one for .99 at a thrift shop.

These are easy to find- you may even have some around

the house that you want to change their design.

This is the back of the box. 

You can use either side!

Cut sides of bag, discard bottom piece.

Save side panels for another project.

Measure and cut your bag to fit box.

I gave a light sanding to the front and then covered the artwork

with white acrylic paint.

You can also dry brush the sides.

After the paint dries, use Mod Podge to cover front surface.

Adhere picture to box and smooth down edges.

Add glitter if you prefer, using a bit of Mod Podge.

Here's another-

This box was damaged, but that won't matter.

Lightly sand the paper artwork to remove the shine.

With this box, the artwork will be on the inside of frame.

I painted the edges the same colors to match the picture.

My picture is shorter than my box, so I will start to glue my picture top first.

The white paint at the base will hide that problem with 'snow '

I used antiquing wax to darken the frame.

Then used Mod Podge to adhere my picture.

I used more glitter on this box.

And one more-

For the last box I covered the other side.

I used white paint to dry brush the edges.

I decided not to add any glitter to the last box.

I love how easy these boxes are to make.

They always sell out at my craft sales.

I think they make nice gifts.

I like that the box can sit on a shelf and you don't need to hang them.

Tell me what you think-

Thank you so much for being here!

It means a lot to me.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

xo Lisa S

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Favorite Things- Vintage Turkey Collection

 Hi friends,

Today I'm just sharing with you some of my favorite things.

My collection started by happy accident as many of my collections do....

you know, you find one here and there and soon it happens.

My birthday is in November.

Each year my Mom takes me on a day trip "Antiquing ".

There's  a lot of talking, laughing, shopping and eating.

I look SO forward to it! Just the two of us.

I am so blessed to have my Mom with me and I cherish our time.

The stores are decorated for Thanksgiving and just starting to bring

out some Christmas.

These ceramic turkeys are all shakers....mismatched and found or gifted one at a time.

They are so colorful.

I love my turkey candles!

They were made by Gurley Candle Co. in the late 30's through the 60's

in Buffalo, New York.

Here is the identifying label.

Can you believe these cuties were originally 10 cents?

This whimsy ceramic turkey makes me smile.

He's a shaker-

I put in a wagon with a pumpkin.

I've had this paper turkey for many years.

The honeycomb paper is getting brittle. I usually just leave it closed.

I added to my post card collection.

I was able to find some more from artist Ellen Clapsaddle.

I plan to use these turkey plates for Thanksgiving.

We have this blue and white platter hanging in our living room year round.

This round white platter is 16''. 

I found it years ago at a thrift shop. It  had a pile of other plates stacked on top.

I love the picture.

Thanksgiving will be very different this year, 

but I hope you will still be able 

to be with your loved ones!

Enjoy your many Blessings!

xo Lisa S

Upcycle Flannel Shirt with Favorite Old T-shirt

Hello, my friend ! Have you ever had an old T-shirt  that you really loved but it was pretty tattered ? Maybe it had stains or lost it's...