Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Vintage Bottle Stoppers

 Hi Friends,

This past week I was slowed down by an

extreme case of VERTIGO !

If you have experienced it , you know what I mean.

Now I can get back on the computer-

I'm trying to get ready for a craft show in a couple days.

So last minute I put together some 

Bottle Stoppers and I thought I would share

them with you!

I get so excited, sometimes I forget to take pictures.

It started with this stopper -

The top was easy to remove.

Some needed to have a screw cut to attach the knife handle

and some stoppers have a post.

I prefer the stoppers with a post.

and a knife

It is easy to find knives at thrift shops.

The knives are usually inexpensive.

I use a vise and a soft cloth to hold in place while I cut.

I used a Dremel tool to cut and sand the ruff edges.

Making sure the top is level.

The handles were a tight fit on the screw and the post,  no other

fixative was needed.

Then I polished the handles.

The stoppers can be used on an  olive oil bottle-

They can fit a wine bottle or in my case sparkling cider!

Just pretty for a party or wedding.

I think these would make a nice gift.

I used more knife handles on this blog post-


Have a great day!

Thanks for the visit.
xo Lisa S

Monday, April 11, 2022

Add -On for a Wood Bead Garland


Hello Friend!

A couple years ago, I shared

 how I made a Bead Garland with tassels.

I recently started attaching other wood pieces. By tying them on to 

the same bead garland , it can be changed over and over

for different holidays and occasions.

I found this chunky wooden cross at the Dollar Tree.

I painted the cross with white chalk paint

 and sanded the edges.

Acrylic paint would work just fine.

I tied a long piece of jute at the top.

I traced around the cross and free-handed my verse.

I just used a find point Sharpie

Find the center-

Tied with a bow, if I want to change it again.

I collect old, tattered and brittle small Bibles :)

I have to admit,

I made this for Valentines'....and I'm leaving it out for

EASTER and sharing it with you now.

Blessings to you!
xo Lisa S

Recipe for RUMBLEDETHUMPS -Scottish Comfort Food !

 Hello my friends- No, I'm not Scottish- but when I came across this recipe I knew I had to give it a try !  It has ingredients that are...