Sunday, July 28, 2019

Repurposed Footboard to Shelf

Hi Everyone!
Where I live we have something we affectionately call-
Which means something is left out usually with a FREE sign attached,
come and get it now......and that is where this came from.
Most often you find a headboard but this time just the footboard.
Too low to make a bench PERFECT for a shelf.

I plan to flip the board so the legs point up and the flat underside is where the shelf sits.

The footboard was from a full size bed.

After measuring I went to get a piece of pine about 54''.

I had help attaching the shelf.

Thanks Babe!

The nail gun scares me!

The shelf piece is flush with the wall, there was space
between the back piece so I did not need to add hanging hooks.

I sanded the shelf edges to round them up a bit.

I used Chalky Finish spray paint on this project.

You can find it at most stores that sell spray paint.

I was able to get it at Joanns' Fabric with a coupon.

I used FOLK ART Clear Wax to seal the finish

The sun was not on my side.

 It has a beautiful smooth finish but the pictures look blotchy.

 Decorative hooks could be added but I did not have any on hand,

My plans were to get it ready for the Flea Market the next day!


 The shelf sold quickly at the Flea Market to a women who planned to

hang it over their T.V.  - She did not want hooks anyway :)

Let me know in the comments about an item you may have found on the side of the road.

Thanks for stopping by !

xo Lisa S

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Wood Bead Trivet to Farmhouse Garland

Hi Friends!
Are you like me and sometimes things come your way and
then here comes a project you never planned to make ?
This happens to me all the time.
I was out with Mr. Fresh Vintage getting coffee this morning and we saw a garage sale....
so of course he stopped... not much happening....except for the FREE box....
and it always draws me in.
I found some vintage Bridge Tally books and this broken wood trivet !
We have seen these garlands  every which way....

I never planned to make one but now that I have the beads, well.... why not ?

I cut the yarn and removed the beads. There was only a few so I  knew it would be very short.


You will need some thin ply jute.

I cut a long length of jute so I could add a slip knot on the ends.

String your beads, that's it!

To make tassels, I wrapped my fingers about 12 times.

Start and finish ends point down.

Lay down the loops and tie a knot using the garland end.


Cut another piece of jute about 12''

Pinch near the top. Make a loop pointing down the tassel.

Wrap tightly downward.

Pull the wrapping end through the loop and pull both directions,

Your loop gets pulled under the wrapped portion.

Trim ends

Now trim tassels to the same length.

The beads were natural but had a nice finish.

 I got this tray with jars at the same sale.

The Queen Anne's Lace is from my garden.

I draped the garland over some antique medicine bottles.
I love the purple color.
The flowers are from my dwarf Butterfly Bush and they smell like Lilacs.

I hope I have inspired you to look for beads in unusual places.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit today.

I hope you come back soon ! xo Lisa S

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Homemade Fresh Rosemary Spray Cleaner

Hi Friends,
If you or someone you know has Rosemary growing in the garden,
you have the perfect ingredient for making an All-Purpose cleaner.
The scent is so FRESH.
 It's perfect for kitchens and bathrooms.
Rosemary and vinegar have antibacterial and antifungal properties.....
so not only does it smell wonderful, it can also clean and disinfect.
To make your Fresh Rosemary Cleaner you will need:
     2 cups fresh Rosemary
              2 cups distilled white vinegar
2 cups filtered water

 Supplies also needed:

a quart size mason or glass jar
a funnel and cheese cloth or coffee filter for straining

a glass spray bottle is preferred but you may use plastic
if you are not adding additional essential oils
 Collect your Rosemary, avoid blossoms.

Rinse thoroughly. I like to use a salad spinner.
Lay your jar on its side and pack with Rosemary

Fill with water and vinegar

Cover with lid, put jar in cool dark place for 5 to 7 days

I use my Pour over coffee method, the coffee filter works really well.

As you can see it filtered out all the sediment.
Easy and use that paper filter to clean your counter!
It is beautiful pale green color.
Throw away the Rosemary stems.
I recycle my Mrs. Meyers Room Spray bottles they work great!
Fill your spray bottle 1 to 1 ratio- cleaner and water.
Store your mason jar with the infused vinegar under the sink!
 This is a good basis cleaning spray-

My favorite use:

Deodorizing the microwave!

  I hope you are enjoying your summer :)

xo Lisa S

Saturday, July 6, 2019

A Quick Stenciled Dollar Tree Towel

Hi Friends!

Sometimes I get inspired when I see things at


This towel was perfect for stenciling!

You know I hate dirty stencils : )

but I used a black sharpie on this when I made it years ago!

Tape stencil to towel.

Slide a piece of scrap cardboard under towel in case of bleed through.

I used Black Acrylic paint and a stencil brush.

 Lay flat and stencil with very little paint on your brush.

If you want a darker look like I did, let dry a bit and come back with a second layer

of paint.

 After your stencil has dried get a clean cloth to cover,
Set with a hot iron.
This cookbook was part of my inspiration!

Do you like this towel ?

Doesn't it remind you of a  summer BBQ?

Thanks for visiting!

xo Lisa S

Monday, July 1, 2019

July 4th Printable Postcards

Happy 4th of July !
I am sharing a few postcards with some adorable children celebrating.
I hope you and your family have a fun and safe holiday weekend.

xo Lisa S

Twin Journals from Vintage Linen Towel

 Hello my friend! I had this vintage hand towel with beautiful embroidery but when it was hanging the design was covered up. I decided to cu...