Monday, December 16, 2019

Vintage Christmas Shadowbox with Lights

Hi Friends,

I had this old empty box and sad bottle brush just laying around and thought

I might be able to make something with them-

I cut the tree to the size of the box.

Then glued the tree back into the stand.

I looked through my paper stash to find something for the background.

Then measured the paper and cut to fit.

I also trimmed the box at the opening to enlarge the window.

The top flap needed to be re-enforced.

I had a set of battery powered fairy lights from Dollar Tree.

They worked!

I wrapped them around the tree from the bottom up-

I wanted the battery back to be at the top of the box.

The tree needed a trim, and the I used

hot glue to add some ornaments.

The tree was put inside and battery pack was attached to 

the side of the box.

I added a thrift-ed  singing Angel.

This is the top inside view.

It was hard to get a good picture because of the bright lights-

Here is a picture with the lights off

This is the back of the box.

The little Angel has such a cute face!

I moved the box to the kitchen-

Merry Christmas!

Thank you for visiting.

You are invited to stop by anytime and please say - hello!

I  appreciate and answer all comments.

xo Lisa S


  1. Replies
    1. You are too kind!
      Thank you so much. Merry Christmas my friend!
      xo Lisa S

  2. Absolutely adorable! You think a lot like I do! I once made a "dollhouse scene" in a Carvel ice cream cake box of a nursery for a baby shower gift! Upcycling "useless" boxes into shadow boxes is such a fun thing to do. Merry Christmas!

    1. Kathy
      I loved your comment. You get it! It is fun to make something out of nothing. Your idea in the Carvel box is brilliant! Thank you so much for visiting.
      Merry Christmas!
      xo Lisa S

  3. Lisa,
    I love that angels face, so cute. You are so clever.

    1. Hi Bev,
      The angel was a recent thrifty find. I found 2 girls and 1 boy! All three had their wings- that's unusual.
      Thank you so much, you are too kind.
      xo Lisa S

  4. So cute! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!


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