Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Vintage Valentine Postcards

Hi Friends!

Happy Valentine's Day to you! 

 Many times I have shared with you, postcards from my favorite artist.

Here are some more you may like.

Ellen H. Clapsaddle (1865-1934)

   Ellen was an American illustrator/ commercial artist from New York,
 in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  Her style is easily recognizable and greatly admired.
           She is known as the most prolific souvenir/postcard and greeting card artist of her era.

My favorites include the adorable children's faces that are in

most of the illustrations.

This little guy is all dressed up in his Valentine suit!

These adorable kids are playing dress-up.

What girl can resist this sweet treat being offered ?

Balloons are timeless !

 If you like these, I have more to see. Check the Labels on the right side
under Ellen H. Clapsaddle.

Have a wonderful day!
xo Lisa S


  1. Enjoyed seeing these! I pinned this! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 10 for All Things Love and Valentine’s Day, open January 30 to February 10.

    1. Dee
      Thank you for hosting!
      I hope you have a wonderful week.
      xo Lisa S

  2. These are so pretty! So much nicer that the ones we get now!

    1. Jo,
      Thank you! I agree the postcards are a fun item to collect. Have a wonderful week. I 'm so glad you visited, come back again.
      xo Lisa S

  3. Replies
    1. Jeanne
      I do too! I love the postcards with the sweet faced children. Thanks for visiting.
      xo Lisa S

  4. What a great artist she was! My favorite is the first post card for the saying and the cute little girl.

    1. Allyson,
      I'm so glad I could share these with you!
      She really captured sweet expressions.
      Happy Valentines Day
      xo Lisa S

  5. These cards are really sweet, vintage postcards are so beautiful. Just imagine how exciting receiving one of these beauties would have been back in the day!

    1. Leanna
      So true! Can't believe they survived over a hundred years.
      xo Lisa S

  6. These are so sweet! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  7. Beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty

    1. Donna
      Thank you for hosting. I'm happy I could share.
      xo Lisa S

  8. I love vintage Valentines. I've featured these today at Thursday Favorite Things. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Pam!
      I appreciate you so much-
      Happy Valentine's Day
      xo Lisa S


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