Monday, April 20, 2020

Another Stenciled Flannel Shirt and a Bleached Shirt

Hi Friends,

I hope you have been well ....and doing all the little projects around

the house that you never have time for....

We have cleaned, fixed or painted the things we have put off long enough.

I've been working in the backyard

 getting my seeds in the veggie garden.

The weather has been cool and overcast.

Perfect flannel shirt weather!

My stenciled flannel shirts were so popular I thought I would make more.

Stenciled Flannel:

I used this shirt,

and this stencil.

Measure and center the stencil, tape in place.

I used white acrylic craft paint and a stencil brush.

Use very little paint, keep a paper towel near so

you can check and make sure your brush is dry loaded.

 After the paint is dry, cover with a thin cloth and set the

paint using a hot iron.

Stenciled T-Skirt :

I had a tank top with a small mark on the front so I decided to cover the stain

with a stencil.

I used this stencil and Navy blue acrylic paint.

I taped off the part that I did not want to use.

I used a recycled lid for  a paint pallet.

It is a good idea to but a piece of cardboard in side the shirt,

just in case the paint soaks through.

After paint is dry, cover with a thin cloth and set with a hot iron.

Bleached Flannel Shirt :

I forgot to take a before picture.

I found the shirt at the Goodwill a while ago- I liked the pearl snaps.

Bleaching a flannel shirt is the easiest of all.

I place a plastic basin or deep glass bowl into a sink.

Add water and bleach to basin- 2 CUPS WATER to 1 CUP BLEACH .

Please work in a well ventilated area!

I wanted to bleach the collar and shoulders.

I draped the shirt so that the collar is in the water

and the rest of the shirt is dry.

Sometimes the dye is removed quickly or may take up to an hour.

 Watch carefully and remove when you are pleased with the color.

Dump the bleach down the drain and rinse out basin.

REFILL the basin with cool water and add 1 cup vinegar to neutralize the bleach.

Rinse thoroughly and wash 

separately to remove the bleach.

Hang to dry.

I added an applique lace flower to the front. SOLD

Take a look for more here

Thanks for visiting!

xo Lisa S


  1. What a great idea! Makes them have so much more personality!

  2. Great ideas, they turned out looking good! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 11, open April 1 to 26. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed.

    1. Dee
      It's so nice to have you visit.
      Thank you for hosting.
      xo Lisa S

  3. Your shirts turned out really nice! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!

    1. Roseann
      Thank you! I'm so happy to join the party.
      xo Lisa S

  4. I had no idea you could use acrylic paint to stencil on fabric! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's.

    1. Ann, I found out when I ruined a pair of jeans!
      When acrylic paint dries its permanent and cheaper than fabric paint.
      xo Lisa S

  5. OOh, I love the tank top! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Thank you so much.
      I'm thrilled to share at Vintage Charm.
      xo Lisa S

  6. Well, that was a surprise. I was expecting to see this made from a vinyl decal. Well done Pinned.

    1. Thanks Anita! I'm so glad you stopped to check it out.
      xo Lisa S

  7. You've done it again! My husband and son love their flannels so this is a great idea for a Christmas gift for them. Getting way too hot here in the desert to think about anything but tees and tanks right now! Featuring when my party opens.

    1. Thank you Carol!
      I think summer is coming early here. we are having a hot week!
      Thank you so much for the feature. You are always so sweet and encouraging.
      xo Lisa S

  8. LOVE your ideas! You've definitely inspired me! Thank you !

  9. I love this but my question is…does the flannel shirt need to be 100%cotton or will this work with shirt that has some acrylic/polyester in it?

    1. Hi Mamalehmann,
      The bleaching may not work as well on synthetic fabric, but my painting / stenciling would work great.
      Thanks for visiting! It's nice to meet you- Let me know how it turns out.
      xo Lisa S

  10. This is awesome. My question is when it dries does the paint crack at all? And how have you found it to wash in the washing machine afterwards? any issues? any particular kind of acrylic paint that you like to work with? I love your stuff it’s really cool!!

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for the sweet comment!!!!
      I have washed the shirt over and over with no problems...and I used regular muti- purpose acrylic paint.
      Lisa S


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