Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Pumpkin Blessings

Hi Friends.

I think I have shared before that I love gardening.

Though I tend to be a lazy gardener.

 I enjoy growing plants that don't need to be fussed over- 

Twice a year we spend time

dividing our perennials.

It's just like doubling your investment.

I get very excited when I see volunteers pop up!

This is a little Milkweed plant that the wind brought me.

Volunteer plants are those that come up in the garden with no effort on your part. 

They germinate from seeds dropped by flowers in previous years or the seeds can arrive

 stuck to the fur of small animals, dropped by birds like a tiny gift,

brought by the wind or in this case, spilled out from the compost bin.

If you find seeds sprouting, give them some time to establish

 and you can easily move them to a preferred location.

Plants with long tap roots 

such as Dill, Carrots and Hollyhocks do not transplant well- 

It's best to let them grow where they want to grow.

I found this volunteer peaking out of my compost bin.

Hiding under a tomato bush-

At first I wasn't sure what it was- I had to wait patiently

until I was sure it was a pumpkin of some kind.

I did not remember putting a pumpkin in the bin!


After waiting it was revealed...yes....it was a  pumpkin.

 Then they started to grow

and grow

and grow


I put some here...

and here...

and here....

The pumpkins are all over the house!

Would you believe ALL these pumpkins came from one little volunteer?

39 and counting!

                                              This verse from the Bible comes to mind-

O the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him 

we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches 

of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he  made

 known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure,

 which he purposed in


                                                           Ephesians 1: 6-9

This little volunteer pumpkin reminds me how much God loves us.

Not because of anything we have done,

yet His grace, His goodness, His love is lavished upon us!

What a blessing !

God loves you-

xo Lisa S


  1. Love your little pumpkins! We had a few sunflowers volunteer thisnyear, and they give me so much joy!

    1. Michele
      Thank you for visiting. I love sunflowers. That would be a wonderful volunteer.
      xo Lisa S

  2. How wonderful! I love all of your little pumpkins - God is so good!

    1. Thank you. Yes, God is good all the time.
      Blessings to you,
      xo Lisa S

  3. What a blessing! (I love white pumpkins.)

    A volunteer white pumpkin plant is an awesome analogy of how unexpected blessing is lavished on us by our Father. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jerralea,
      Thank you so much for visiting! It's nice to meet you.
      xo Lisa S

  4. Love your pumpkins and wish I could grow some myself. Great verse and reminder too. His love and grace are lavished upon us!

    1. Cindy
      I would love to pass them out to my friends and yes you would get one or two :) Now I know I need to plant them early. It the past my pumpkins were ready after Thanksgiving.
      Blessings to you
      xo Lisa S

  5. Loving those pumpkins and that verse. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. Oh how amazing! Those pumpkins look great. I adore that they are also a different color than the orange I am used to. Yay for such a great crop!

    Maureen | www.littlemisscasual.com

    1. Maureen,
      Thank you so much for visiting! It's nice to meet you.
      I am really enjoying the bounty :)
      xo Lisa S

  7. That's fantastic! I love those little white pumpkins and even better that you didn't have to fuss over them. Thanks for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.

    1. Joanne
      It has been fun to see them grow on there own. This little plant is hardy :) Thank you for visiting.
      xo Lisa S

  8. Thanks for linking up with the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop! Those volunteer pumpkins are certainly something to be thankful for. :-)

    1. Kristi
      It's nice to meet you!
      I'm so glad you stopped by-
      xo Lisa S

  9. When we got home to our float cabin after being away for six months due to pandemic rules (our longest straight absence since its purchase in 2001) the wind or bird poop brought me quite a few unwanted plants. The worst was blackberry plants with all of their thorns. Even with gloves on they hurt to pull out. - Margy

    1. Margy,
      I can imagine the over growth from being away so long. I love blackberries but the thorns -oh my goodness!
      I'll bet it was great to be back at the cabin.
      xo Lisa S

  10. Fun post. Here, we try to have a garden, but the result is a very well-fed deer and rabbit population.
    We do enjoy a parallel to your volunteer vegetables in the form of what ever floats into the yard. This year it was thistle.
    impressive plants
    have a good week

    1. Clark
      I guess I am fortunate to have bunnies limited to the grass in the yard. They eat everything don't they-
      Thanks for visiting
      xo Lisa S

  11. Lisa, I love your "volunteer plant" gardening concept. My daughter had a similar story--she had forgotten what she had planted in a container and was also surprised by "pumpkin blessings." Y'all have inspired me to plant my own next spring. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Thank you!
      These baby pumpkins are so fun to grow, let's remind each other next spring to get them in the ground early.
      xo Lisa S

  12. I've also got some pumpkins in my garden but so far no baby boos:-((( I guess, I still have to wait for them:-(
    Greetings from Poland:-))


    1. It is fun to watch and wait. I am thrilled to have you visit all the way from Poland! Please stop by often.
      xo Lisa S

  13. I wonder if the little milkweed plant you have is the same milkweed that attracts monarch butterflies. https://www.saveourmonarchs.org/why-milkweed.html

    Are your little white pumpkins decorative ones or can yours be eaten too? They are so cute!

    1. Hi Pat,
      MY garden has a lot of Milkweed. I'm in California and I grow it for the monarchs;) I think the pumpkins are ornamental.
      xo Lisa S

  14. Those make darling decor. And your scriptural tie in is so sweet. laurensparks.net

  15. Love your pumpkins and the applications you made. Praise God for His mercy and grace!

  16. Love your surprise pumpkins. How wonderful to watch them grow and to be able to use them around the house too. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Donna
      Thank you so much for hosting and visiting!
      xo Lisa S

  17. Love your mini white pumpkins, Lisa!

    I was given mini white pumpkins last October for my birthday. When they started to rot, I threw them in my compost. Guess what grew in my compost this year? A bunch of mini white pumpkin plants!! I've already harvested about 8 mini white pumpkins so far and can't wait to decorate with them!

    Thanks for linking this post with us on the Homestead Blog Hop! I also have a new link-up party over on my blog on Fridays called, "Embracing Home and Family" and it's for all things homemaking, homeschooling and homesteading. Please join us on Friday on my site!

    Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Cherelle!
      I love your pumpkin story. I appreciate your invitation to join the new party. I look forward to it.
      xo Lisa S

  18. Lovely post! Hope you save some seeds from this crop of pumpkins to plan some on purpose next year! I used to have what I called a migrating catnip patch; the plants would lean over, then reseed themselves where they leaned 18" away, the next year, lean again and grow 18" away... Now I have occasional rogue plants all over and the cats of my acquaintance love the catnip mats I make with it! Years ago I wished for some weedy bushes with pink--almost wild rose--looking flowers that resulted in seedy raspberries. Well, an obliging bird must have deposited some seeds in my yard! Mow I have to cut them back as they have grown so vigorously!

    1. Kathy
      Thank you so much. Your catnip patch sounds amazing! I love sharing our garden surprises.
      xo Lisa S

  19. Your mini pumpkins are so cute! I didn't get a chance to grow any this year but I'm hoping for next year. Thanks so much for sharing at Farmhouse Friday!

  20. An unexpected blessing that has made you so happy! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #FaithAndWorshipChristianWeekend 1, open until September 21.

  21. Sweet pumpkin surprises are a blessing! Thanks for linking up with us at the #FaithAndWorshipChristianWeekend 1.


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