Saturday, June 19, 2021

My Liberty Blue Dishes

Hello friends,

I admit I collect many different things!

This collection I inherited from my


She knew I admired them and wanted

to see me enjoy the set before she past.

She boxed up the dishes and brought

them to me!

I was thrilled and honored to receive them.

That was over 30 years ago!

We have used them as our 'Everyday dishes'

since that day.

Over the years we have enjoyed their beauty 

and the love they represent.

When my children where young,

they learned to be careful...

surprisingly no breaks.

I learned to enjoy what you have,

don't hide it away for another time!

Here's an ad from Ben Franklin 

Savings and Loan newsletter that I saved all these years.

Liberty Blue dinnerware 

was made for two years and coincided

with the American Bicentennial celebrations.  In the October,

1976, issue of the Benjamin Franklin S & L’s newsletter, an

article was written announcing the end of the promotion on

December 31st.

Sometime after 1976, the Liberty Blue dinnerware design was

released to be sold in national grocery stores on a limited time. 
For so many dollar purchases of groceries, you could buy a

different piece.  Each week there would be a different item to


As a kid, I remembered the display 

on the end cap at our grocery store. 

Can you believe these prices?

If you are interested in starting to collect or finishing out your collection-

Here's a list of items you may want to look for.

 I have listed the identifying pictures on each piece. 
  1. Tureen Base,  Answering First Call to Arms
  2. Soup Tureen Lid, Boston Tea Party
  3. Teapot, Minutemen Answering First Call to Arms
  4. Covered Vegetable Bowl, Boston Tea Party
  5. Covered Vegetable Lid, Lafayette Landing at West Point
  6. Pitcher, Old North Church
  7. Platter 12″, Governor’s House at Williamsburg
  8. Platter 14″, Washington Crossing the Delaware
  9. Platter 18″ and 20″, Declaration of Independence
  10. Vegetable Bowl, Round, Fraunces Tavern, Washington’s Farewell to Continental Army
  11. Vegetable Bowl, oval, Minutemen Answering First Call to Arms
  12. Gravy Boat, Lafayette Landing at West Point
  13. Gravy Boat Plate, Governor’s House at Williamsburg
  14. Salt / Pepper Shakers, Paul Revere’s Ride- Marked England only
  15. Covered Sugar Bowl, Betsy Ross, the Nation’s First Flag.
  16. Creamer, Paul Revere’s Ride
  17. Butter Dish, Lafayette Landing at West Point
  18. Coasters 4''- Independence Hall, Valley Forge, Old North Church, Fraunces’ Tavern
  19. Soup Ladle, Solid white- not marked
  20. Place Cards, American Eagle
  21. Dinner Plate 10″, Independence Hall
  22. Luncheon Plate 9″, Washington at Valley Forge
  23. Dessert Plate 7″, Washington Leaving Christ Church
  24. Bread/Butter Plate 6″, Monticello Thomas Jefferson’s Home
  25. Cereal Bowl, Mt Vernon, George Washington’s Home
  26. Soup Bowl, flat rim, Old North Church
  27. Fruit/Berry Bowl, Betsy Ross, Nations First Flag
  28. Teacup, Paul Revere- marked England only
  29. Saucer, Old North Church
  30. Coffee Mug, Monticello-  Marked England only

I love the way the blue transferware
 can be mixed and matched with other dish sets.
The dinner plate over another white plate-

I like the smaller eating area of these plates-

These are the different bowls-

The soup tureen is huge!

 I have to admit

this is the only piece I have not used!

Here's the salt and pepper shakers

A stack of teacups-

The Liberty Blue dishes  work well 
with my navy blue and red Fiesta Ware.

My husband made this nightlight for our kitchen!

He used a tile cutter and a rotary tool to cut a teacup
and some epoxy to attach to a store bought night light.

Let me know if you are a  Liberty Blue or other transferware collector!
Have a great week!
xo Lisa S


  1. I have two of the dinner plates. I have never seen any of the accessory pieces. They are a rare find in our area.

    1. Jocelyn,
      I'm glad you have a couple dinner plates. I just love the cobalt blue! Once in a while I see them out in the wild! Sometimes I see sets for sale. I hope more comes your way!
      Thank you for visiting- I enjoyed hearing from you.
      xo Lisa S

  2. Love those dishes! How wonderful that you have them. I have a lot of blue and white dishes that belonged to my grandmother and my Motherinlove. LOVE them. Happy Week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Cindy,
      Blue and white is the best! I've heard tell that the color blue makes people hungry. That's way restaurants had the blue plate special!
      Have a great week-
      xo Lisa S

  3. Aren't you the lucky one Cindy! I graduated from high school in 1976 during the Bicentennial while living in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Dressed up in colonial attire and attended lots of doings. But, didn't know about the dishes. About 10 years I discovered them on Pinterest and have a more modest collection that you. The piece I really want is the signing the declaration platter. Someday!

    1. Debbee, I love your collection. You display them so beautifully.
      I will keep my eye out for a platter!
      xo Lisa S

  4. These are so precious, and we have done the same with our dishes.

    1. Thanks Michele,
      They have really stood the test of time.
      I'm glad you are a collector too!
      xo Lisa S

  5. O MY!!!
    Lisa, this took my breath away....I have a few Liberty Blue pieces but only a few....Most of my blue transferware is not Liberty Blue....Thanks so much for sharing the vintage advertisements for Liberty Blue!! so cool!!! Pinned and shared on FB!! Happy July 4th!!

    1. Debbie
      oh no I almost missed your comment!
      I love how well the different transferwares look together.
      I have a couple brown pieces and pink too.
      Can you believe these original prices- yes, please!
      xo Lisa S

  6. Lisa,
    Love your dishes. Congratulations, you are being featured on Thursday Favorite Things. I hope you stop by.

    1. Bev- Thank you so much! I had a few lost comments- I'm so sorry.
      Thank you so much for the feature. I've been enjoying celebrating the 4TH and a whole lot of family Birthday's this week.
      Take care
      xo Lisa S

  7. What a treasured gift! I have never seen the Liberty Bell dishes but will keep a lookout when thrifting. Thanks for sharing at the FWF link party.

    1. Thank you! The dishes are a fun item to collect a little at a time. It's funny but you will probably see them all over now ;)
      xo Lisa S

    2. I found a lot in an antique store not too far from here. I bought four each of the dinner plates, salad type plate and then some bowls. I picked up a small platter that shows a colonial style house and two people walking for $8.00 at a thrift store!

  8. Wow - I remember this program and my mom collected them as well. I have no idea where they are now. I will have to ask about them. Thanks for sharing such great memories. Enjoy them! #HomeMattersParty


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