Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Repurposed Wristwatch


Hello my friend!

Today I was going through a bag of 

thrifted jewelry and found

a couple of old flex band watches.

One was missing the interior, one was in better shape.

Both watches were broken. The bands were in good condition.

They were also missing the stems.

I thought I could turn the watch

 into a keepsake locket type of bracelet.

I used a paperclip to pry open

the watch case.

I saved the clock face- of course-

I have a collection of sea glass

 from many wonderful trips the beach.

We loved to walk the shoreline looking for treasures.

I sorted through our collection

 to find some small


I love the mix of colors.

Fill with the tiny sea glass, beads, photo-

any small memento to make a personal keepsake!

The back snaps easily into place.

The tiny glass stones can be seen through

 the watch front window. It makes a beautiful

sound when shaken.

Can you see the tiny surprise inside?

I  made two-

Now they can be worn and enjoyed

as a sea glass keepsake bracelet.

 Your visit means a lot to me!

Thank you

XO Lisa S


  1. How creative. After my parents passed I found every watch they ever owned. Watches that used to be quality. I also have 2 watches my mom gave me - they no longer work but I can’t bring myself to just get rid of them. I never thought about repurposing them.

    1. Debby,
      Thank you so much! I think one of your watches would look so special with a photo tucked inside of your mom and dad.
      xo Lisa S

  2. Awesome idea and great how they turned out.
    I visited you via Whimsy Home Wednesday. My entries this week are numbered #25+26.
    Please join and share your posts with us https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/

    1. Thank you for visiting. I'll be over to visit.
      xo Lisa S

  3. Replies
    1. Michelle, Thank you for your sweet comment!
      xo Lisa S

  4. What a wonderful idea! I love this fun way to wear sweet treasures. Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #40 linkup. We hope to see you next week at #41. Have a great week!

  5. Lisa,
    What a clever idea and a great way to use something that is broken. You always come up with such great projects. Congratulations, you are being featured on TFT. I hope you stop by. https://www.eclecticredbarn.com/2024/06/first-day-of-summer-on-tft.html

  6. Oh my goodness.... what a brilliant and beautiful idea! And what your wristwatch bracelet can hold is limitless! Really clever, Lisa!

  7. What a lovely idea! This is one of my features for this week's SSPS, thank you for sharing with us, we appreciate it. Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  8. What a clever idea to use these old watches. You could fill them with anything precious and tiny.

  9. What a great idea! This is so creative.
    Visiting today from Tuesday Turn About 257 #65,66&67.

  10. So smart and pretty, Lisa! So happy you shared on Tuesday Turn About... I'll be featuring your post at this week's party! Pinned!

  11. What a great way to repurpose jewelry! It turned out lovely. Thank you for sharing at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #43.

  12. The repurposed wristwatch is a fantastic project! I love how you’ve transformed something old into a unique and stylish accessory. https://www.krazycouponclub.com/promotions/auxbeam-coupon-code


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