Wednesday, December 13, 2017

DIY Birch Tree Top Star

Hi Friends,

To make a Birch- Tree Top Star-

You need 5 small diameter, Birch cuttings or twigs about 12 '' long.

All 5 pieces need to be about the same size.

Lay 2 pieces on a flat surface with ends together in a '' V '' shape.

We used small nails, but you can use your glue gun.

Place another twig from the bottom edge to cross over to the middle.

If you have trouble with the shape, draw your star on paper and make a pattern.

Cross branches over the top of pattern.

I went a little crazy and hung the stars all over the house....and even outside.

Tell me what you think.


On top of the Hutch

On the Mantle

On the Patio

In an old box full of Shiny- Brite Ornaments!

I had a lot of these twigs and made quite a few.

Each one unique.

xo Lisa S

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