Sunday, December 16, 2018


.......And a quick ornament at the end.
I just love Birds and these postcards are so sweet !
Here is a last minute idea !
Print one of the cards, then trim with scissors.
Find and old frame at the thrift shop, Dollar Tree or from your own stash.
Frame and display your print. Then change it for the next holiday or season.
Use a piece of cardboard or cardstock as your postcard backing.
Paint or embellish with glitter. 
Use a small hole punch to add wire or ribbon hanger.
An easy ornament that can be mailed or tucked inside a gift.
I used Gold Acrylic paint on the edge, white glue, gold and white glitter.
A piece of wire for a hanger.
Hang on the tree or wall

I added a scrap of antique lace.

 The card reminded me of my little sparrow.
Birds always remind me of  God's great love for us!
  Matthew 6:26 ESV   
                                   Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap

                                                          nor gather into barns,

                                            and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

                                                   Are you not of more value than they?  
I hope you enjoy this collection.
xo Lisa S


  1. As I am not lucky enough to have a collection of vintage Christmas postcards, I was so pleased to see these; I am a bird lover, too. I want to make some ornaments for next year's church bazaar! They will be a hit! I have the Matthew Bible verse about the lilies of the field right next to my reminds me that God takes care of all of us! Merry Christmas!

    1. You can print these off from the Graphics Fairy website.

    2. Kathy,
      I think that's a great idea for your church Bazaar.
      There are lots of wonderful postcards on line.
      You can print these here as well !
      I am happy to share this collection with you.
      xo Lisa S

  2. Thanks for posting at Funtastic Friday. These look like artist trading cards.

  3. These are just as sweet as can be! Pinned! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  4. I absolutely *L O V E* these postcards and your idea to frame them or add them to your Christmas tree! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


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