Monday, November 11, 2019

Recycled Iced Coffee Bottles

Hi Friends,

I'm working on some last minute crafts for my upcoming boutique.

These sell out each and every time so I thought I would share this idea with you.

First..... We need some bottled coffee-

any kind you prefer

How about Pumpkin Spice Iced Latte? YUM!

One for me - one for you......

Wouldn't it be nice to share a coffee together?

That was good!

Then I removed the labels-

I used white chalk paint to cover the outside of the bottles.

These stencils were made with a scrap of mylar,

and my drawing cut with an x-acto-knife.

I used cobblestone grey for my farm animals.

 After the paint was dry 

I used sand paper to remove paint in some areas.

 Then I brushed on clear wax to seal.

Add some fresh flowers and it can be a thoughtful gift to a friend.

Since these are drink bottles- they fit perfect in the car cup holder 

for easy transport if you are bringing flowers to a friend!

They are  so budget friendly!

Thanks for visiting!

xo Lisa S


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Mother of 3!
      I always appreciate your sweet comments and love to have you visit.
      xo Lisa S

  2. They look nice!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 6. Shared.

    1. Dee
      It's always a pleasure to have you visit.
      Thank you so much for hosting.
      xo Lisa S

  3. I used to make similar vases with the twine tops. They were super popular! Its a fun reason to drink glass bottled coffee! I like your idea of painting stencils on the outside. Very cute.

    1. Thanks Audra,
      I just had a craft show this weekend and sold out again!
      It's a good seller. Glad you stopped by- xo Lisa S

  4. These are the CUTEST!!! I love how vintage they look. Genius idea!
    Thank you for sharing w us at Creative Muster! Pinned :)
    Blessings to you xoxoxo Sharon @ Adoring Creations

    1. Sharon
      Thank you so much. I had fun making these!
      Have a great week :)
      xo Lisa S

  5. I have used these bottles for several crafts--love these, Lisa! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. There's some much you can do with these. My Dollar Tree sells the iced coffee for a it's really a money maker at the craft fair :) xo Lisa S

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you!
      It's always so nice to hear from you-
      xo Lisa S

  7. Great upcycle! Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned!

  8. I love these! What a great gift idea--- my daughter and I just used these bottles to make candles tonight. I plan to post about it sometime. I'm featuring you at Best of the Weekend tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!
    Liberty @

    1. Liberty
      Thank you- oh I bet the candles look great.
      You are so sweet. Thank you for the feature! I 'll stop by to visit.
      xo Lisa S

  9. Replies
    1. Julie
      Thank you so much!
      I'm so glad you visited today.
      xo Lisa S

  10. Great idea for recycling instead of wasting! Thanks for sharing this on Farm Fresh Tuesdays! I hope you'll stop by and share your talent with us again this evening!

    1. Lisa
      I love having you visit. I enjoy Farm Fresh Tuesdays.
      There's so much good information shared.
      xo Lisa S

  11. Thanks for sharing this useful idea on the Homestead Blog Hop!

    1. Laurie
      Thanks for stopping by-
      So glad I can join you on the Homestead Blog Hop!
      xo Lisa S

  12. Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 18 for Crafting with Bottles and Jars, open May 30 to June 10. All party entries shared if social media buttons installed.


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