Hello my Friends!

Last week I found this new Chalkboard at one of my favorite Thrift shops.
It was $2.50- I had to get it.
In my mind it's already done half the work for me!
You can make the sign your choice, tall or wide.
I didn't even have to paint it and it is already framed.
Nice size too- 17''x 23''
Even the back side was in good condition.
I decided to make a Christmas sign with a couple
of stencils I had received as a gift.
I thought I could show you how I used more than one color
on the sign.
I use a thin plastic cutting board and Painters Tape to block parts of the stencil
I don't want to paint.
Painters Tape is not very sticky and it
will not damage
your stencil.
Some stencils are very delicate.

These are the colors I will be using,
First I decided to stain the frame.
I taped off the front and the back.
The chalkboard was made with natural wood.
I used Walnut BRIWAX and a soft cloth and gloves.
I use an old toothbrush to get in the corners !

Just a reminder !
You can flip stencils over if you like objects facing the opposite direction.
First I planned the placement of the truck.
I used the plastic sheet and painters tape to
block out everything near the truck bed panels.
I painted the the panels brown.
Make sure the paint is dry before covering
with what you are using to block
the next layer.
I used my sheet of plastic along with tape to
cover and block the panel area that was already painted.
I painted the tree green.
I left open space for the black board to show through.
It gave the tree more dimension.
After the tree was dry
I painted the truck red, and the tires white.
I moved the stencil up on the board
and taped it in place.
I stenciled the lettering in white.
After the FARM FRESH dried, I taped down the other stencil
While that dries, I did the lettering on the bottom of the sign.
If you like an overall chalkboard look,
lay a piece of chalk on its side and
gently cover the entire chalkboard.
Wipe with a soft dry cloth.
I left room at the top to personalize with family name.
You could use regular chalk or chalk paint pen.
Here are the two stencils that I combined tp make
this sign.
Here's a close up !
I am so excited for Thanksgiving, but
just needed to start early on some Christmas decorations.
Tell me if you are excited for Christmas !
xo Lisa S