Monday, February 21, 2022

Baking Tips for Vintage Pyrex- Apple Crisp Recipe

 Hi Friends!

How are you ?

I rarely share a recipe, but my newly thrifted Pyrex

reminds me of SPRING!

The pattern is called SPRING BLOSSOM

sometimes called Crazy Daisy.

Made in 1970.

The rectangular piece is a refrigerator dish, it was 

originally in a set wit smaller pieces that match.

I had some apples sitting around-

Let's bake with it!

Apple Crisp

4 c. sliced tart apples ( about 4 to 6 )

2/3 c. packed brown sugar

1/2 c. all purpose flour

1/2 c. rolled oats

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/3 c. butter, softened

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Arrange apples in a greased pan,

approx. 8" x 8"

 (My pan is 6 x 8 )

Mix all other ingredients, 

sprinkle over apples.

Do you know why ' Cinderella mixing bowls

 have the funny handles?

They are for pouring.

The small side is for liquid, the larger side for batter.

Bake 30 min, or until golden and apples are tender .

Serve warm with ice cream!

Serves 4 to 6

So convenient to have it's own lid for storing.

Never use harsh cleaners on the exterior.

Always hand wash.

If you find some vintage Pyrex that has lost it's sheen but still has color-

Try this amazing trick !

A little bit of MINERAL OIL and a soft cloth works like a charm.

No need to scrub, be gentle, a little goes a long way.

 Mineral oil is safe around food.

The left side is  dull and see on the right side the color

is really enhanced.

Let me know if you used this tip!

Mineral oil is great in the kitchen.

I shared this post about caring for wood here

Now you can display your Pyrex !

xo, Lisa S


  1. We love fruit crisps, and I often make them with Splenda to help with the sugar and use nuts and oats for the topping. Love those old refrigerator sets, I still have two pieces of mine and use them all the time! Cute post and NUM!

    1. Sandi,
      Our family loves recipes with fruit. We have blackberry bushes galore. That's my favorite.
      I have the primary set and now the spring blossom. I pick up extra lids when I see them :)
      xo Lisa S

  2. I still have some of the matching Pyrex pieces. I got them new so I guess that makes me vintage, too. :)

    1. Oh good ! Old dishes are the best.
      I don't consider myself vintage but I have vintage children!!!
      I remember the look on my daughters face when she saw her era of childhood toys at the antique store.
      xo Lisa S

  3. Hello, follower of Jesus Christ! so am I ��. I sold my vintage Pyrex, Fire King and others a long time ago when I set up for antique shows in my area. I no longer own any of them--and I haven't any room to store them. The last of my vintage collection is bottles and cup-and-saucer sets from my mother's childhood.
    Your site reminded me of those "good ol' days."
    I will try your apple recipe--but not in anything vintage.

    1. Marlene, It great to meet you and I'm so glad you stopped to say hello! There's a whole new generation that can enjoy these things :) I love it.
      Please visit again,
      xo Lisa S

  4. i use my vintage pyrex all the time. it's never failed me yet!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Isn't it the best? I love to use mine. It's fun to mix and match the sets.
      xo Lisa S

  5. My sister-in-law used to make apple crisp when I was a kid and I loved it. I miss her and this made me remember some of those special times. I will make your recipe for my grandchildren. Thank you!

    1. Debra,
      Thanks for sharing your memories with me. I'm so glad you stopped by-
      xo Lisa S

  6. Looks delicious! I did not know they made collectible Pyrex! All of mine are clear with rubber-ish lids. Can you tell I don't cook lol? Thanks for sharing this with us on Crafty Creators!
    Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife

    1. Niki, The vintage pyrex comes in all sorts of shapes, colors, patterns and sizes- BUT that was before your time.
      I'm much better at crafting than cooking too :)
      xo Lisa S

  7. I have my vintage Pyrex and use it often. These are good tips for keeping the baking ware and bowls in good condition.
    Thanks for sharing at the FWF party :)

    1. Rachelle,
      I should have asked...What's your favorite pattern?
      Thanks for visiting!
      xo Lisa S

  8. This recipe looks so simple and delicious and great tips for using older pyrex too, thanks :-)

  9. Congratulations, your post has been featured on Full Plate Thursday, 578. Thanks so much for sharing with us and hope you come back to see us soon!
    Miz Helen


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