Sunday, September 17, 2023

Making Beads from Vintage Silverware

Hi Friends,

I have a Craft Show coming up

in October and just making a few last minute items.

Here's an easy idea I have been working on-

I have collected a few 

silver plated knives over the years

 that I use for all sorts of things!

I have noticed that some knives have solid metal

handles and some are hollow.

We are going to use the hollow ones today.

Don't worry if the knives are tarnished.

We will clean them later.

We will take a hollow handled knife,

place it in my husbands vise along

with a soft cloth while we cut.

I mark my cut line with a fine point SHARPIE, I tend to cut crooked.

I used a Dremel tool to cut and sand the ruff edges.

  along with the husbands' help...okay a lot of help-

to cut the handle into beads!

He claims he doesn't want me to to get hurt,

but I think he enjoys making things like I do!

I'm thrilled to have him help!

I cleaned the beads with metal cleaner.

The design on the silverware really pops!

I put the beads on different lengths of chain.

I think they make a pretty necklace.

Thanks for visiting!

xo Lisa S

More ideas I've shared using silverware-

Bottle Topper



  1. These are really amazing, love the wine stoppers also...I have noticed not as many silverware in the thrift stores, lately --so someone is busy with all of them. Lovely post...I use a mini-mitre box to cut anything...I also have crooked eyes, LOL. Sandi

    1. Sandi,
      Thank you so much. Most of the silverware is picked up for jewelry making, but I had not seen knives used before.
      Thanks for the tip on the MITRE box. I love that idea.
      Thank you for visiting, I always love your comments!
      xo Lisa S

  2. These are gorgeous! Best of luck with your show :)

  3. These are fabulous, Lisa! Featuring when my link party opens. Good luck with the show!

    1. Carol,
      I appreciate you SO MUCH ! You are a real sweetie.
      Thank you for the feature! I am honored!
      Have a great week.
      xo Lisa S

  4. I love how creative you are. I would never have thought of making jewelry from silverware. I imagine you get a lot of comments about those

    Visiting from the Homestead blog hop. I appreciate are you coming by and sharing what you made.


    1. Laurie,
      You really made my day! Thank you for hosting and coming over to visit. I hope you have a wonderful week.
      xo Lisa S

  5. This is such a stunning idea. This will be a feature over at Handmade Monday this week :-)

    1. Thank you Julie! I love to see everyone's surprise when they find out the beads are made from knife handles.
      Thank for for the feature! You are wonderful.
      xo Lisa S

  6. These are so lovely, Lisa! It was so good to see you back at Tuesday Turn About! Thanks for sharing these. Your post will be featured at this week's party. Pinned!

    1. Julie,
      It's great to be back! Thank you for hosting! I am thrilled to be featured at your party. Thank you so much!!!
      xo Lisa S

  7. Gorgeous!!! What an amazing idea!!! Such a great way to re-purpose old things. I appreciate you sharing this at Home Imagined today!

    1. Oh what a sweet comment! Thank you so much.
      xo Lisa S

  8. This is so cool. Amazing. Regine

  9. OMGosh, Lisa!!! These are soooo unique!!! I have so much silverware... I could totally do this! Do you remember the spoon rings people made in the 1970's? I always wanted one... I accidentally got bleach on a really nice spoon a number of years ago. I still use the spoon for ice cream or as my morning tea spoon, but... ;)

    Happy to feature your post this evening at SYS #405 for you,
    Barb :)

    1. Hi Barb,
      Thank you so much! My son got me started on making jewelry again. We have been making keychains for years. I was low on spoons but had lots of knives. We made some crazy designs with forks....coming soon.
      I did not know bleach could ruin silver- oh no!
      I'm glad you have a fancy ice cream spoon now.
      Thank you for the feature, it's a great honor and very appreciated!
      xo Lisa S


Covered Matchbox Gift

Hello ! Just for fun, I covered some small matchboxes. I picked up a set at the Dollar Tree. I used a small paper fastener to make a drawer ...