Monday, August 12, 2024

Back to School- Sharing my Collection of Vintage Readers and Textbooks


Hello friends!

School is starting soon-

I'm putting away the summer decor now and I thought I would

bring together some of my collection of vintage readers.

I found an old school chair at the thrift store last week.

It was in good shape, I gave it a good cleaning.

Then a little sanding and some dark stain.

I have a thing for small chairs too!

I thought a chair with a few books would make a nice vignette.

A little reading corner-

I pick up the readers here and there, usually for a dollar or less.

I love the covers.

Oh my goodness!

I had no idea that I had SO MANY!

Some are very old... early 1900's

The illustrations are just beautiful.

Most are 1940's through 1970's

I have a scanner connected to my printer and I can either

copy the pictures on the printer

 to use for art projects or scan and save for later.

I love the end pages, they remind me of vintage wall paper.

I don't like to use original pages. 

I  always try to use a copy.

Good advice!

Here are a couple of oversized books.

Most are California textbooks, that's were I live.

I started with elementary readers, but I realize I have some

books for Jr. High now called middle school.

Some are dedicated to a single subject like science, math

or music.

These books are fun and still easy to find

if you are interested in starting a collection.

I added one of the oversized books to the bottom rung

and made another shelf!

Do you collect Readers?

I'd love to hear about your collection.

xo Lisa S

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Using HOT GLUE to Altered Art Journal Covers / PART 2

Hi friends-

 My last post shared this journal below-

It was a store bought blank journal

that I enhanced and altered with a 

magazine print, paint, Mod Podge 

and Hot Glue for 3D effect.

I found 2 more blank

 Art Journals without lines 

and I just had to make more!

These are good for drawing and watercolor painting.

I glued a magazine picture to the cover.

Then went around the edge with Hot Glue.

No need for fancy molds!

After the glue hardened, I painted the border with

Gold paint.

I added glue to a few leaves and grass.

I added a piece of gold ribbon tucked and glued to the top spine.

I tied a glass bead to the end to make an attached book mark.

The other magazine print I used below surprised me-

with a closer look, the poor lady was drowning.

A few of Paul Steck paintings have women under water .

 I added more flowers, seaweed and a border

of seaweed with Hot Glue.

I repainted her flowers pink and

 painted the seaweed green and gold.

With a few light touches of white.

I used a pencil to re-draw her legs-

I changed her legs into a Mermaid fin-

can you see it ?

Then I repainted her dress purple as it originally was,


the paint also gives an extra element of dimension.

A much better outcome for her!

I glued a piece of netting along the side.

I had some scraps of  green and blue tulle,

 glued to the top and pulled through for a bookmark.

Came back over the cover with a light coat of Matte Mod Podge.

Here are all three journals.

Each one shows a different way 

to use the Hot Glue for  these covers.

Now the 'series' includes the Princess, the Maiden and the Mermaid.

I hope this gives you some inspiration!

Have a great week!

xo Lisa S

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Using HOT GLUE for 3D Effect on Journal

Hello dear friends! 

I'm starting to make some things for November Craft Show.

I had this blank journal for a long time- 

I wanted to alter the cover-

I thought about what I could add to the cover of

Branches with Almond Blossom

sorry, Van Gogh!

I had a magazine picture of a painting by

John William Waterhouse, 1899  Ophelia.

I used mod Podge to adhere the picture to the cover.

My plan was to make the branches look 3 dimensional using Hot Glue.

I went around the picture and added even  more branches.

The Hot Glue dried fast. I went over the branches 

with dark and light gray

acrylic paint.

The spine was bright blue-

I painted the spine with grey and brown paint.

I also added tiny gold dots on the dress with gold paint.

I used Matte Mod Podge to paint over entire cover,

front and back.

The journal had a ribbon bookmark.

I tied a broken vintage earring on the end of the ribbon.

I painted the back cover and sealed with Mod Podge.

I really like the effect.

Hot Glue works great on collage or art projects.

It was easily painted with basic acrylic craft paints. 

I hope you don't think I ruined this poor journal.

It sat here so long, I hope someone may enjoy it now.

I hope you are having a wonderful week!

I'm starting to make some things for November Craft Show.

Thanks for visiting.

xo Lisa S

Recipe for RUMBLEDETHUMPS -Scottish Comfort Food !

 Hello my friends- No, I'm not Scottish- but when I came across this recipe I knew I had to give it a try !  It has ingredients that are...