Monday, April 15, 2019

My Backyard Garden Tour

Hi Friends,
Spring is here ! It is probably my favorite time of year.
Well it is the best time to be in the garden.
I have to admit I am a bit of a lazy gardener.
 I love letting the plants do their own thing.
  We fill our yard with perennials and native plants and recently
 we have added some succulents.

Mr. Freshvintage is anything but lazy! I am blessed that he loves working in the yard.

He mows and digs my holes, I get to do the fun part of planting and trimming.

We are going to start in the backyard....and just look around a bit.

This beautiful combination below is Feverfew and Forget-me-nots. 
Towards the front is Lambs Ear, then Freesia bulbs and  Nasturtiums.

This is part of my Herb garden. The tall plant in front is
Oregano. Behind that is Thyme with more blossoms than leaves....and lots of bees!
Behind the Thyme is Lavender and Mint.

Some Pink Lantana

The railroad sign was another gift from a different neighbor and more Lavender.

Come sit for a while.
I call these my Motel chairs! Comfortable even without cushions.

 Our window box was made with pallet wood. I designed it to fit 5 gallon buckets  so we can change
the plants for the seasons if we wish. This way the box doesn't get wet. It is attached to the
stucco wall with a hidden ' L ' bracket.
My gate holds my garden tool claw collection.
The tractors belong to my son when he was little....and they were vintage then.
I keep them under the window out of the way. 
Across from the window there is more setting- 

More rusty tools and a whirly gig we bought  more than 30 years ago.
When it's windy, the farmer  milks the cow in double time speed!

An old bird bath, Mexican Marigolds and Lemon Balm.

Our Lemon tree and an old wagon wheel on the fence.

We added the rock paths through the garden.
Mr. Freshvintage made this archway out of scrap wood.
We can sit under the grapes.
One side is Thompson and the other is Flame.

My husband made the rusty heart from a broken whisky barrel.
This bird house is attached to an old shovel.

A corner of the yard for sitting!
Old smudge pots and miscellaneous rusty goodness.

My gate and bottle garden

Back to my raised bed veggie far volunteer onions
and Blackberry bushes on the fence. I will update vegetable garden in summer.

 We  use our Compost Bin is used year round.

Next to our garden shed, I keep the potting bench made by my husband and son.
They made it from scrap wood- I use it as an extra table when we eat outside.
I love it! They added wheels and I can move it all over.
Another pallet planter with succulents.

  A Dwarf  Darcy Tangerine tree and some purple Lantana
That's a Pomegranate bush on the left. We recently added the Santa Rosa Plum on the right.
In front Mexican Sage, Autumn Sage, a dwarf Butterfly bush....beyond the rock path
Cat Mint and Tropical Milkweed.
 We have Trumpet Vines on the patio for shade. the way my house is blue.... not purple! :)

Some Daisies ready to open!

We don't get snow here.
I am always happy to see what survived the winter frost.

This mailbox was a trash rescue.
It's all wood covering a plastic interior.
My secret hiding place for an extra weeder tool and clippers.

All four corners!
My Husband found this Cream Separator and gave it a coat of paint.
Our side yard has 2 separate Chicken Coops.
These chickens below are my favorites. They are Japanese Bantams....
so friendly and they love to be held.
Yes , they lay eggs.

The chickens take turns in the run and on the grass.

The other flock of 4 are in their awkward teenage stage.
They are loosing their baby feathers and don't like the camera.
I'll get a picture next time.
 Sorry this was such a long tour!
I'm glad we could hang out together.
I will add some pictures of the vegetable garden in summer-
Thank you again and have a wonderful week!
 xo Lisa S


  1. Love your lovely gardens and all your personalized decorations. I had to look where you live that you have no snow.

    1. Jan
      Thank you so much. We are in California.
      The weather is warming up. Is it still cold where you are? xo Lisa S

  2. Your yard looks beautiful! I love the little tractors and the signs!


    1. Tania
      Thanks for visiting my garden! I'm so glad you enjoyed the tour. xo Lisa S

  3. How inspiring! We do get tons of snow where we are, but many of your plants and other garden decor could work here, and you've encouraged me to keep pursuing my gardening dreams.

    1. Kim
      Thank you so much. I love that you enjoyed a little tour of my garden and
      I'm glad if it can encourage you :) xo Lisa S

  4. Great post - it looks like you have such a nice garden! I unfortunately don't have access to a garden space when I am at school, and I also won't when I move into my apartment after graduation. :( However, I plan on getting a lot of house plants to add some green into my life, as I think it is so important to see nature and remind yourself the importance of mother earth! Thanks for sharing!
    -Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? The Chic Cupcake

    1. Jenna
      Thank you for your sweet comment. I hope when you have your apartment you will have a little patch of sunshine to have a tomato plant. That's always a good start!
      It's nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting! xo Lisa S

  5. Your garden looks lovely, Lisa! I have been slaving in mine all week after our wet winter! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Thank you Cecilia, We have been in a long draught and finally had some rain. The plants are so happy!
      Happy Easter- xo Lisa S

  6. Lisa,
    What variety of lavender is that growing under your railroad crossing sign? What planting zone is your garden in? I keep trying to grow lavender in my Texas garden, but only have limited success. Your lavender looks so healthy.


    1. Hi Judith
      We are probably similar zones. I am in California just inside the coast at 10b. I did a little detective work and found out the variety of Lavender my store sells is
      Lavendula angustifolia 'Elegance'. I hope that helps.
      Thank you for visiting and saying hello! xo Lisa S

  7. Beautiful outdoor spaces! Makes me want to plant some succulents on my back deck.

  8. What a fun tour! I love the railroad sign, your window box, and all of the vintage items. Spring is my favorite, with all of the flowers in bloom! And I, too, am a lazy gardener. I love plants that require minimal care. ;) Thanks for sharing at Sweet Inspiration!

    1. Amy
      I am so happy to have you visit. You get me! Minimal care is the way to go.
      xo Lisa S

  9. Lisa,
    I love your garden tour. I want to come over and sit a spell.
    Congrats, you are being featured at Thursday Favorite Things.

    1. Bev
      You are so sweet! Come on over!
      Thank you so much for adding my garden to your feature.
      I am very honored- I will be right over to visit. xo Lisa S

  10. I enjoyed this tour of your garden--- what a lovely variety that you have! I'm featuring you tomorrow at Best of the Weekend. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much Liberty!
      I enjoy your parties. I am so glad we can hang out together. xo Lisa S

  11. Wow... so many lovely plants and garden items, Lisa. Love the Fewerfew and Forget-me-not combination... light and airy!

    1. Julie
      Thank you so much for the visit to my garden!
      xo Lisa S

  12. It all looks so lovely, I'm a huge fan of forget me nots so I love seeing your clump of them. having the containers fitting in your pallet window box is such a good idea.

    1. Thank you Julie!
      The forget-me-nots are happy to return year after year and I love them.
      xo Lisa S

  13. What a beautiful property you have, Lisa! I love it! And chickens too! So cool :)
    Thank you so much for sharing your post on Farm Fresh Tuesdays...sharing this on social media. Hope to see you again next week!

    1. Lisa
      Thank you so much for taking the tour!
      xo Lisa S

  14. What a glorious space, love the signs and of course the chicks - thanks for sharing with #TheGardenYear


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