Monday, April 29, 2019

Player Piano Scroll Art

Growing up my family always had a player piano. If you are thinking,

 what is she talking about?....all pianos play. Well we would attach these

paper rolls to the piano and the piano

 would mysterious play as the lyrics ran along the side.

Each roll was a single song. My little sister and I had the job of waiting

until the song ended to stop the roll from flapping and tearing.

My parents still have the piano and on some occasions when we are all get together

 we will have a sing-a-long.
 I found these rolls at the Thrift shop, they were torn and tattered... and 25 cents each.
I liked the fact that the rolls were full of plenty of paper.
I thought it might be fun to add some lyrics of my own.
My Mom loves Amazing Grace. I thought I would roll it up and give it to her as a Mother's day card.
I wrote out the words.

I used a pen for hand lettering with a chisel tip.

I used a piece of wire across the top, and decided how long I would need the roll
to hang.

I just free handed the lyrics in my own handwriting.


I rolled up the bottom edge because it was torn.
To weigh it down , I added back to back magnets.


You could do so much with these rolls. Wouldn't this be a wonderful way to

display lyrics to a favorite song or Bible verse.
 It will be a unique Mother's Day card for my Mom.
I love you Mom!
xo Lisa S


  1. What a lovely idea. I have never heard of piano scrolls before. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thelma
      Thank you so much. I am glad I could share a childhood memory with you. xo Lisa S

  2. I am in love with this precious gift for your mama! How creative! She is going to love it. I have never ever heard of piano scrolls. Learned something new today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Cindy
      Thank you for your sweet comment. I loved sharing one of my family memories with you. xo Lisa S

  3. What a unique and clever use for these piano rolls. I love finding new and uniquely special ways to decorate and you have done that with your Amazing Grace lyrics.

    1. Thank you so much. It's nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting. xo Lisa S

  4. Lisa, I used a player piano scroll a few years ago to create a Christmas banner. I love how you displayed yours. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Cecilia,
      Oh no I thought I was being creative. I googled Piano rolls but didn't see much. I will try to find your banner. I would love to see it.
      xo Lisa S

  5. What a neat idea! If I could find some inexpensive old player piano rolls, it would be a cool way to practice my calligraphy skills.

    1. Hello Real Cie,
      These rolls would be perfect for writing on in calligraphy!
      Great idea, I wish I had that beautiful skill.
      Thanks for visiting today!
      xo Lisa S

  6. What a wonderful idea - your mother is going to love this! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!

    1. Thanks Roseann!
      I hope my mom is surprised.
      Thank you for hosting.
      xo Lisa S

  7. I am so pleased that Roseann chose this post to be featured on the next Blogger's Pit Stop. A wonderful idea for your mother. We used to have one of these pianos when I was young, I just loved playing it.

    1. Kathleen
      Thank you so much for letting me share a family memory.
      Did you sit and pretend to play like me, or could you really play?
      xo Lisa S

  8. Lisa,
    Such a wonderful idea. Congrats, you are being featured on Thursday Favorite things.

    1. Bev
      Thank you so much!!!
      I am so glad to be part of the party.
      You are so sweet.
      xo Lisa S

  9. I teach and play piano so of course I've heard of these before-- what a great idea! If I see some at a yard sale I will try your idea.

    1. Liberty,
      Thank you so much. I'm glad I inspired you. My Mom said
      she plans to put it up next to her piano.
      xo Lisa S

  10. This is such a lovely idea. I have a regular piano, but I've seen those pianos around and always thought they were awesome. You did a wonderful job with those rolls!
    Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned.

    1. Teresa
      I'm so glad you like this idea!
      Thank you for the kind comment.
      xo Lisa S

  11. I love this idea. Your mom is going to love it. Memories. There's nothing that draws a family closer!

    1. Dorothy,
      Thank you so much. I gave it to my Mom today and she loved it. So glad you stopped by today! xo Lisa S

  12. What a wonderful idea, such a personalised gift.

    1. Thank you Julie!
      I was able to keep it a secret. My Mom loved it.
      xo Lisa S

  13. Oh, I love this, Lisa... and I love the hymn you chose to write on it. I'm sure you mom will LOVE it! Today, while in Hobby Lobby, I walked b a young girl (probably 10 or 11) that was looking at a sign that said, "Amazing Grace". She turned to her grandma and asked, "Why would they have a song named Amazing Grace?" The grandmother promptly averted the question by changing the subject. I was soooo sad. I battled for a few minutes with myself whether I should have answered the girl or not. So hard to know how the grandmother would have responded, but I know that girl deserved an answer to her question. Here's praying the Lord has her ask the question again.

    1. Julie,
      Your experience at Hobby Lobby touched my heart! I'll pray that little girl keeps asking the question and maybe Grandma will search out the answer.
      I'm so glad you liked my scroll. I gave it to my Mom today. She loved it.
      xo Lisa S

  14. This is such a clever way to upcycle those piano rolls. Occasionally, I see them at yard sales and now I have a way to use them. Thanks for the inspiration and sharing with us at Party In Your PJs!

    1. Ann,
      Thank you for the compliment! I am so happy you let us share and party with you!
      xo Lisa S

  15. Lisa, I LOVE this idea...and I love piano scrolls. I grew up with them in an old player piano... in fact my daughter still has her newer player piano and all the scrolls.
    Such a wonderful idea.
    Congratulations , I am featuring you tonight on our CYS link party tonight at 8 pm

    1. Kari
      Oh Thank you so much! What a thrill to be in the feature.
      Thank you for the sweet comment. I'll see you tonight.
      xo Lisa S

  16. Thanks so much for linking up at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 37! Shared ♥


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