Saturday, December 19, 2020

A mini tour of my front porch



The weather is warm and beautiful.

This year I went all out on the porch!

Let's sit and have a cup of coffee- no mask required.

That's an old sled in the corner that I rescued from the trash.

The ice skates were thrifted.

I tied them to the sled and added garland and a warm wishes sign.

I shared the Galvanized Tin Trees  here

The stenciled water crock was here

My sweet husband made the reindeer.

He used to make them years ago.

One of the neighbors needed a birch tree cut so my husband

offered to cut the tree and we could have the wood!

I just leave the reindeer out in the backyard all year.

It will last a long time.

His head can swivel!

I turned an old crate upside down to make a table.

I had an old feed box and decided to stencil it!

Mr. Fresh Vintage made the stars out of old barbed wire.

I shared how to make the birch stars here

Come back when you stay longer!

Thanks for stopping by!

xo Lisa S


  1. I love that reindeer your husband made and those galvanized trees too.

    1. Thank you so much!
      I will tell my husband :)
      Have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy Happy New Year!
      xo Lisa S

  2. It all looks great, the ice skates are a lovely touch and that reindeer is fabulous.

    1. Thank you! I saved those ice skates from a neighbors summer Garage sale.
      Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
      xo Lisa S


Covered Matchbox Gift

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