Thursday, April 1, 2021

Recycled Bunny into Moss Topiary

Hi My Friends,

This guy got a makeover that took maybe 10 mins.

He  looks like he's trying to get away!

I almost forgot to take  a before picture- oops!

He's hollow and made of paper.

I wanted to turn him into a topiary.

I used English Ivy to paint the bunny.

Sorry, he looks sickly! 


This bag of moss came from the Dollar Tree.

I found a stick from my yard, poked a hole it the under belly.

I used hot glue to attach the moss.

Cover, pat down and trim if necessary.

I made a tiny wreath with floral wire and ribbon.

I did not have a pot so I used the next best option.

Thank you for your time !

xo Lisa S

If you like this bunny, you may like these other projects

using moss.

Here and also Here.


  1. Cute! I have used sheet moss, a bit easier

    1. Nancy,
      Thank you! The sheets of moss make me nervous that MATH is involved :)
      xo Lisa S

  2. SO cute! I love anything moss and this is a great idea. Love it! Have a great Easter. XO- MaryJo

    1. Thank you ;)
      I love moss too-It's hard for me to keep plants alive indoors, I forget to water them!
      Happy Easter to you!
      xo Lisa S

  3. So cute! He looks cuddly as a bunny should!

    1. Thank you! I should have fixed him up a long time ago.
      I like him better now.
      Happy Easter friend!
      xo Lisa S

  4. Thx for posting at Funtastic Friday. I am always inspired by you. I'm itching to do an outdoor cement moss covered something.Pinned

    1. What a sweetie you are!
      I can't wait to see what your mossy project.
      Thank you for the PIN!
      xo Lisa S

  5. I love it. Thank you for sharing on the Classy Flamingos blog party.

    1. Linda,
      Thank you so much for hosting each week!
      It's great to have you visit.
      xo Lisa S

  6. He is adorable. I never think to use up the Dollar Tree moss I have available on such simple but pretty projects. Thanks for the inspiration. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Donna,
      Thank you! Dollar Tree has some great craft supplies.
      I always appreciate your visit! Thank you for hosting.
      xo Lisa S

  7. Thank you Marilyn!
    I am so honored, you made my day!
    xo Lisa S


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