Wednesday, May 16, 2018

DIY Blanket Ladder

Hi Friends,
When I made the Hanging Patio Ladder last week I had enough scrap
wood rung pieces to make another Ladder.  I only needed to purchase the 2 side pieces.
I think everyone but me has made one, but I thought I'd share my version.

 I used (2) 1.5'' x 1.5'' x 8'  Furring strips   -$2.00 each at Home Depot
2 outside pieces- 6 ' each
6 rungs or cross pieces- 17'' each
I used a staple gun
1st cross piece 3'' from top
next pieces are 12'' apart
Use a level 
 Lightly sand, I used the side of a hammer to dent and age my ladder.
My favorite  BRIWAX  in Dark Brown and a soft cloth
Stained and sealed. Let dry over night.
Bring inside, add some blankets! 

This is where it stayed for now. 
 I was very pleased with how it came out. You know me I was changing it and
moving it all over the house.
Thanks for letting me share this scrap project with you.
Have a wonderful Blessed day!
xo Lisa S


  1. Thank you so much! Glad you stopped by-
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend. xo Lisa S

  2. Very cute and it really makes a statement. But then, I have ladder love!! :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  3. Jann, I love your comment! Thank you so much for hosting and visiting. xo Lisa S

  4. What a wonderful DIY, I can envision this as perfect storage for the cabin displaying vintage throws for snuggling on a chilly evening. Looks great next to that gorgeous armoire too! thanks for sharing it at #FridaysFurnitureFix

    1. Brenda, Thank you so much! I really respect your opinion. You made my day. xo Lisa S

  5. I love you blanket ladder, Lisa. It's a wonderful addition to your decor. Thanks for sharing with us at Snickerdoodle Party. I'll be featuring this at today's party. Hope to see you there!

    1. Beverly,
      So sweet of you to say! Thank you for hosting. I am so excited to be featured! I will see you at the next party, xo Lisa S


Covered Matchbox Gift

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