Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Repairing a Vintage Cookbook


Hello there,

it's nice to have you stop by!

My library always has a cart outside marked FREE !

Every once in a while I find a treasure.

I found this 1965 Betty Crocker

Cookbook- It was in sad condition.

The covers were completely removed and the pages

were out of order and plenty of stains.

I loved the pictures and thought

 I could use them for some other project.

When I looked over the book I noticed that

none of the pages were missing.

Then I thought I will just try to put it back together

as best I could.

I looked in my stash and found this old

Mary Engelbreit fabric with tiny cherries.

I used the fabric to cover the inside. 

I used a 3 hole punch to replace

 the old missing binding.

I had 3, 1'' binder rings

I used some scraps of ribbon to cover the hinge.

Then I added an old Betty Crocker Gingerbread Man

cookie cutter to the ring.

I 'm glad I  was able to keep it together.

This cookbook has some fun recipes.

Here are a couple that I want to try-

Take care, my friend!

xo Lisa S


  1. What a lovely project! I vaguely remember that book as a child.

    1. I'm glad I was able to keep it together !
      Thanks for visiting.
      xo Lisa S

  2. That’s super cute! I feel like we used to have that same cookbook!
    I think I’d actually use it more in the 3 ring binder. Love the fabric and trim!

    Thanks for sharing this at the Homestead Blog Hop 515!

    Come back!

    1. Laurie,
      Thank you for your sweet comment. The cookbook is holding together well! An extra benefit is the book now stays open and lays flat. Have a great week!
      xo Lisa S

  3. That precious book probably just landed another good 100 years thanks to your fix-it! It's now even more gorgeous... and most definitely a keeper!

    1. Donna,
      It's always a pleasure to have you visit. I appreciate you so much! Thank you !!!xo Lisa S

  4. What a fun way to save this old cookbook! As a librarian I fullheartedly approve ;-)
    I have a whole bunch of cookbooks, vintage and new, which everyone think is rather funny given that I don't cook, lol!

    Visiting from Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot #79

  5. Very nice! This post is one of my features for this week's WTJR, thank you for sharing with us!


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