Monday, January 25, 2021

Thrifty Find- Clock Turned Shadow Box with Yarn Covered Hearts

Hi Friends!

I found another clock- well actually the clock was missing already.

Someone had saved me the work of removing it!

Because the clock was missing, the case was marked $1.99!

I know some of you would probably paint this piece,

but I love wood and if at all possible I like to keep it that way.

I can always come back later and paint it.

I cleaned it up and used my favorite BRIWAX stain to cover any scratches.

We removed the front door. 

My idea was to cut the clock opening,

which was a circle  into a larger square.

I left the box alone for a hour and

 Mr. FreshVintage decided to cut it for me. 

 He's very helpful that way:)

So no before photo! Sorry-

Well it worked!

I used a piece of glass from a picture frame.

Glued it in place with hot glue.

Then came back with metal framing tabs to hold in the glass.

I covered the inside with thick sheet music.

Then lined the bottom of the drawer.

It made a sweet little shadow box.

I thought of so many ways to use it!

A girl can never have to many places to store treasures, right?

It fit some tiny books.

I decided to make some yarn hearts for Valentines Day!

They are easy to make.

I used some vintage clip earrings.

How to make Yarn Covered Hearts-

You will need a heart shape cut from thick cardboard.

Some Yarn- I had a thrifted half-skein of  Ivory.

I didn't measure but had plenty of yarn.

Just start wrapping :)

Wrap back and forth, all directions.

You can't make a mistake.

Keep wrapping-

The heart begins to puff into shape.

When the cardboard is covered you are done!

Just tie off your end and tuck it under.

I used white satin ribbon to tie a bow.

I clipped a vintage earring over the center of the bow and

stamped the word 'LOVE' on the tie.

Thanks for the visit.

I loved having you here!

You are welcome anytime.

xo Lisa S


  1. This is so cute! I love the hearts - they would be perfect for Valentine's Day! I might just have to see if I have any yarn laying around my apartment :)
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Thank you Jenna,
      I hope you can find some yarn they are really fun to make.
      xo Lisa S

  2. What a charming piece...and I love how you treated this. Lovely, I just really see this at Christmas in my head with some little lights. Hugs, Sandi

    1. Thanks Sandy!
      You are so right, lights would look great in the box. I'm always on the lookout for these type of missing or broken pieces. They are usually overlooked and a good price.
      xo Lisa S

  3. It turned out lovely. I love it. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Cindy,
      Thank you so much. It was a fun little project.
      Have a great week my friend.
      xo Lisa S

  4. This was interesting before you even started, then you just made it awesome. I love everything about it. P

  5. I love what you did with the clock case and the hearts are just darling! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's - you are being featured on my blog Tuesday evening!

    1. Ann, Thank you so much.
      I'll be by tomorrow. So glad we can party together.
      You are so kind! Thanks for hosting.
      xo Lisa S

  6. How cute, Lisa! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  7. Cute! I like the sheet music inside! Thank you for sharing at EH&F!

    1. Thank you Jenn!
      Sheet music is my go-to-paper when I don't have a plan :)
      xo Lisa S

  8. How cute!I love the tiny books inside. Thanks for sharing, Lisa!

    1. Thanks Kasia!
      I think I will keep the books inside when Valentines Day is over.
      It's like a little library.
      I'm so glad you stopped by-
      xo Lisa S

  9. I love this Lisa! It's such a clever upcycle and looks so cute with your little treasures inside. Thanks for sharing at Celebrate Your Story! Link Party. You've been featured this week :)

    1. Rebecca,
      Thank you so much! I'm so grateful to you.
      Thank you for hosting, there are so many amazing sites to visit.
      I want to make everything I see and try every recipe ;)
      xo Lisa S

  10. This clock makeover is just so charming. Such a great find. Thanks for sharing how to make the yarn hearts. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Thank you Donna!
      This clock was so easy to make over. I was glad someone else did the removal of the clock parts. It was a good deal.
      Thank you for hosting each week. It's so nice of you.
      Have a great week.
      xo Lisa S

  11. Beautiful work! Thank you for sharing your blog on my What Are You Doing? Social Hop!

    1. Sara,
      It's so nice to meet you. I thought it would be ok to join the party because my project was yarn related :)
      Thank you for visiting and saying hello.
      xo Lisa S

  12. Oh my goodness. Crazy about those hearts, but the finishing touch with the clock case took it to epic. This is such a beautiful project Lisa!

    I've featured this in this weekend's DIY Salvaged Junk Projects. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Donna,
      You are awesome! You always give the sweetest comments.
      Thank you so much for the feature!
      xo Lisa S

  13. It's lovely, I'm especially loving the tiny books in there! The hearts are perfect for switching out for valentines day though. But the book ..... <3 !

    1. Thank you Julie!
      I think I will keep the little books inside. Most are old and fragile. My sister gave me the 1 inch dictionary. It has real pages!
      Have a great week, xo Lisa S

  14. Lisa, the transformation turned out so cute. And those little white hearts are adorable ! Thank you for sharing with us at Meraki Link Party at Doodle Buddies. Drop by this evening to join the next Meraki Party..
    Much love

    1. Thank you so much! I will be by to join the party.
      Have a GREAT WEEK!
      xo Lisa S

  15. Wow I love what you did with this!!! Gorgeous wood, and great interior!


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