Sunday, October 1, 2023

Baking Pan Pumpkins


Hi friends,

I see these painted pan pumpkins everywhere!

The first time was probably 5-6 years ago

on Lora B's blog Create and Ponder

I didn't have any pans

at the time but I kept the idea

in the back of my head.

I really wanted to make some for myself!

Finally I came across some perfect pans this summer.

I was happy to find these!

This paint was in my cupboard- I thought it would

be a great color, even though 

the color is Sun Dried Tomato.

Painted the outside of the pans.

Found a stick in the yard to use as stems.

I pulled a small amount of sphagnum moss 

and wrapped it around my finger.

I used hot glue to attach the moss and stick piece

to the pan.

I collect old T.V. trays and change them up

 with the new season-

This one below is a favorite. I love the black background

with the fall leaves and scattered acorns.

I like how they came out-

I stamped some gift tags for place cards.

We use our FIESTAWARE for the holidays-

I just move the colors I want to use up front

 and the others to the back!

I put away the pastels and bring out the orange, marigold,

cobalt blue and some green.

It's a fun change.

When I put my pumpkin on a plate-

like a cake dome-

Just lift cover to reveal treats!

I love this little hiding place-

or use as individual place settings

and hide a treat.

So cute- I can hide some cookies for now

and only you will know.... so don't tell.

Thank you !

I really appreciate the visit.

I hope you have a wonderful day.

xo Lisa S


  1. I have never seen these before! They're darling! Lovely decor. Pinning. :) Visiting from Wonderful Wednesday.

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      Thank you! So glad you stopped by- and thanks for the pin-
      xo Lisa S

  2. Those turned out so cute, great idea! Thanks so much for linking up at #AThemedLinkup 166 for Pumpkin Crafts and Décor. Pinned.

  3. These are just so cute, and what a great idea.
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Thanks Nellie! It's so nice to have you visit. Thanks for saying hello! Please visit again.
      xo Lisa S

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! Glad you stopped by. Please visit again!
      xo Lisa S

  5. Love that your turned these into a cloche!
    We will be featuring you starting Wednesday at the Creative Crafts Linky Party! Pinned and shared!
    Creatively, Beth

    1. Beth, I 'm so thrilled to join you . Thank you for hosting!
      I really appreciate the feature and the pin.
      xo Lisa S

  6. What a great idea and I would love to get some of these pans for baking.
    I visited you via The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #394
    I linked up this week with = 33+34. Come and join us at SeniorSalonPitStop. You will find the linkup information under BLOGGING.

  7. Lisa, CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at #AThemedLinkup 167 for All Things Printable from the previous linkup for Pumpkin Crafts and Décor.

    1. Thank you for the feature. It's a wonderful surprise.
      I 'm so glad I can join you! Thanks for hosting.
      xo Lisa S

  8. BRILLIANT! I love using them as cloches too. Featuring when my party opens!

    1. Carol, I appreciate you so much. You are a sweet friend!
      xo Lisa S

  9. Ohhhh how pretty are your pan pumpkins! LOVE the colour you chose, so different than your standard orange too! Lovely, Lisa!

    1. Donna, Thank you so much! I like the color of rust like you do- ha ha. It looks better in my house than the orange.
      I sure appreciate you !!!!!! Thank you for hosting another awesome party.
      xo Lisa S


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